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January TarotScopes

CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)

The light has finally started shining on the decisions you’ve made recently and you’re getting a clearer picture of what might be flowing in. You’ve made a possibly difficult decision to walk away from something that was no longer serving you, strong Capricorn. You may not have known what was in store once you turned your back, but luckily for you, spirit always has your back! This month, you’ll see what was meant for you flow in to your life, now that you’ve made the room for it! Things are starting to fall into place and make more sense, trust your intuition and let it guide you through the month!


LOVE: It’s time to take a moment and set up some boundaries for yourself when it comes to love. What kind of boundaries? That’s for you to figure out! Take some time this month to reflect and go within to discover what you need to do to make sure you’re not letting yourself get taken advantage of or letting an energy vampire into your life. Getting crystal clear about what you want in a relationship or from a partner is a great first step in manifesting the love life you want!


CAREER: You’re moving into an energy at work where you’re basically able to create magic. Your personal magic will be heightened and your connection to your spirit team will grow. But, there's a little work you have to do first to live in this angelic flow for a bit. You still have to do a final bit of releasing something that isn’t serving you. You know what it is, something is holding you back at work, let it go. This month, you could see it forced out of your hands if you don’t let it go gracefully. My suggestion is you set the intention to “let go of anything that isn’t serving you” and watch those angelic vibes flow right in to your work-life!


FOCUS: You’re being asked to flow through January with ease and grace. Not saying January will necessarily be easy, but you can sure as hell make it as easy for yourself as possible. Your focus should be on balancing your mind and your emotions. No matter what you’re letting go of at work, you’re being reminded to let it flow while keeping your emotions in check. Those boundaries you need to figure out, let them flow to you, you’re not being forced into anything. Handle yourself with gentleness and love this month, you deserve it.

AQUARIUS (1/21-2/18)

If you haven’t set some intentions for the new year yet: Stop. Do that now. The energy of wishing and making dreams come true is in your favor this month, sweet Aquarius! This is a time to nurture yourself and whatever else you’re building and growing this year. I like to believe that anything you set your intention to is possible in this new year energy, so it really is your time to dig down, figure out what you really want, and start wishing and working for it!


LOVE: Love things are so sweet for you this month, Aquarius. The vibes are good and people are happy. Maybe it’s all the possibilities that a new year brings? Whatever it is, you’re being reminded to find the good in each of the moments and situations you face this month. Nothing lasts forever, including really great times. This month be sure you’re taking a moment to enjoy the rainbows in your life and dance (or scream) through the moments where you wish a few more rainbows were present.


CAREER: You’re really hitting your stride at work this month. You’re being invited into work that is meaningful and feels right! It may not be what you’re doing for the rest of your life, but whatever it is, amazing vibes are flowing. If you’re working as part of a team, each of you is assuming a position that works best for the collective. Whether you’re feeling this flow and you know it or you’re doubting that you’re in the right place doing the right thing, you’re being reminded that you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing in this moment.


FOCUS: January could have you wishing things would speed up. You might be waiting on a vacation, promotion, or something better to arrive in your life, but you’re being reminded that what is meant for you will come in divine timing. There is a good reason you’re having to wait on whatever it is you’re manifesting. Be present, assess your situation, identify what you’re learning and let it it flow!

PISCES (2/19-3/19)

January is asking you to take a look at how your emotions are making plays in your life. Do some misconceptions about what you deserve when it comes to love leave you feeling drained and emotionally exhausted? Are you being tested at work and the ups and downs of the roller coaster have your emotions going haywire? Whatever it is, you’re being asked to do a little work with your emotions. It’s easy for you, Pisces, to dig extra deep in relationships and conversations with others, focus that energy on yourself this month and get down to the deep waters of how your emotions are flowing.


LOVE: This month you’re going to take a hard look at your current beliefs about love. You might find yourself checking your own expectations of what you deserve. What does a successful relationship look like to you? How does a committed partner make you feel? How should you show love to yourself? The answers to these questions could be vastly different by the end of the month and that's okay, probably great in fact! You’re growing and evolving and figuring out what “love truths” really resonate for you. Knowing what truly makes you feel loved and having expectations in place for the love you deserve sets you up for the open, honest, healthy, fulfilling relationship you might be looking for.


CAREER: Something is popping up at work this month and it's tempting you out of your flow. It might be watercooler talk that turns a little too “mean girl” or you could be coerced into trying to cut corners when you know you shouldn’t. Whatever you’re being invited into that might seem either too good to be true or a little funky, you’ll be able to smell it a mile a way. Be sure that you go with your gut and don’t fall into any traps. Drama and negativity can be so tempting, don’t waste your precious energy there!


FOCUS: January is a time to focus on our belief that everything that is meant for us will come to us in divine time. It’s easy to focus on loss that you’ve incurred or disappointment in choices that we’ve made. We can doubt our choices and beat ourselves up with regret and grief. You’re being asked to be kind to yourself and banish self-doubt. You might not be able to see the silver lining right now, but know that it is there and you will see it when you’re meant to. Be kind, be strong, and you will kick ass this month.

ARIES (3/20-4/19)

December might not have been the easiest month. You might have found yourself a little heart broken. The good news: it’s a new year. And the pain is on it’s way out. Pain isn’t easy, but we can learn something from it. Did you make the hurt worse by beating yourself up for something that wasn’t your fault? Bad things happen, but we make them more miserable by telling ourselves that we deserved it or that we’re not strong enough to get through it. It’s clear now, Aries, that you’re strong enough for anything. No hurt deserves us piling on top of it. Treat yourself with love always!


LOVE: Whether you’re in a relationship, want to be, or prefer to stay single, this month you’re being invited into a healthy partnership where one of you is offering guidance to the other in an area where they’re blind. You could be guiding a friend through a really shitty breakup that you know they’re better off for or you may need to seek guidance from someone that can offer support to you at this time. Either way, if you’re going through something, you don’t need to do it alone. Some is there for you and wants to help, I promise!


CAREER: You’re being asked to press past delusions in the workplace this month. Trust that whatever good is happening is so truly deserved! Your dreams and wishes need supporting. Support them! Make sure that you keep outside influences in check. Other people’s perceptions of our hopes and dreams are clouded by their own judgements. If you receive negative when you share your aspirations, just know that you might need to do a little extra work being the support system that you need right now! Don’t let anyone get it your head. You know you have kickass goals and you know you can achieve them.


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to focus on the beauty of the healing that is taking place in and around you. Your heart is being cracked open and love and light are pouring in. Bask in the feeling of this intense healing that is happening within you. You deserve it. You’re being reminded that you’re good enough for your dreams! Go forward with full abandon. Let your light shine and be seen!

TAURUS (4/20-5/20)

This month you’re receiving a gift, that if tended to over the long-haul, will create something more beautiful than might be imaginable right now. This could come in the way of a new opportunity, relationship, baby, or seed money! Whatever it is, it’s the start of something pretty amazing and it’s your job to accept it. Ground down and start to do the work it takes to tend to what you’re being offered!


LOVE: You’re moving into an energy where you’re basically able to create love magic! Your personal magic will be heightened and your connection to your spirit team will grow, once you do a little work. You still have to do a final bit of releasing something that isn’t serving you. You know what it is, something is holding you back, let it go. Are you texting a fuck-boy you know you shouldn’t or holding on to untrue ideas about your body? This month, you could see whatever it is forced out of your hands if you don’t let it flow gracefully out of your life. My suggestion is you set the intention to “let go of anything that isn’t serving you” and watch those angelic vibes flow right in to your love life!


CAREER: This month could have you walking away from something that isn’t serving you any more at work. This could be a project where you know you’re not needed or an opportunity that you painfully have to pass. Whatever it is, it might not be easy to walk away from, because you worked so hard to get where you are. The thing is, you know you’re being called for something else. You might not be able to see it, but you can sure as hell feel it. Keep walking through the dark this month in the direction of your intuition and I promise you’ll find what you’re looking for!


FOCUS: You’ve probably been feeling like you need to create some boundaries in your life, whether it’s putting your phone away when out with friends, less working at home in the evenings, or drawing the line on negative self-talk. There’s probably a resolution with your name on it. Now is the time to sneak some quiet time to ask yourself the hard hitting questions. Where do you need to draw some lines in the sand to better the quality of your life? What do you need to mentally check out from because it drains your energy? Answer these questions this month and watch your self-work be rewarded!

GEMINI (5/21-6/20)

Congratulations, you’re amazing. Now go out and have a good time! This month you’re being invited to put on your dancing shoes and go out and have a damn good time! Let yourself be completely free and joyous, however that may be for you. Reconnect with what gives you joy for joys sake. You don’t need an external reason to celebrate and be happy. Being alive and being you is enough!


LOVE:  Some things might not taste quite right this month in the love department, Gemini. Everything could be looking really good on the outside, but once you dig a little deeper you might realize that new Bumble charmer is actually a gross little goblin. So what do you do about it? Is what you think you want really aligned with what you actually need? Are you putting your effort into something that just looks shiny on the outside? If you are, it’s time to take a moment and figure out what is really going to make you happy. Once you do, things will taste a lot sweeter.


CAREER: Things might be getting stagnant at work. Or have they been for a while? This month you’re being pushed to take on more or do something different. Make the change that you’ve been craving! Maybe you want to go back to school or take a class to further your learning but money is tight or time won’t allow it. Make effort anyway. Check out books at the library and manifest the money for the class. If it’s in highest and best, it’ll happen. Do what you need to do to get your ass moving forward and jump at the opportunities that are flowing to you!


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to focus on processing & dealing with whatever you have in front of you before you accept more into your life. Sometimes we take on more because we’re scared that if we don’t accept something additional, even when we’re emotionally full, it might not be around again when we really need it. That isn’t the case. Whatever is meant for you will find its way to you when you are ready for it. Nothing that is meant for you will ever pass you by!

CANCER (6/21-7/22)

January could have you wishing things would speed up. You might be waiting on a vacation, promotion, or something better to arrive in your life, but you’re being reminded that what is meant for you will come in divine timing. There is a good reason you’re having to wait on whatever it is you’re manifesting. Be present, assess your situation, identify what you’re learning and let it it flow!


LOVE: The things that are flowing into your life are entering in the exact way they are meant for you. The wheel of life is turning and you need to get the hell out of it’s way. Flow with the changes that are coming to you. Each change you avoid will come back with more force. This month you’ll come to see how your actions in this moment are birthing your future! Welcome the positive turns in life that are coming to you!


CAREER: This month you’re flowing out of a cycle of telling yourself untrue beliefs about your abilities or dreams. Yay! You may have been flowing in a funk where you felt like you could never achieve your dreams or you’re not going to earn the promotion you’re working for. Either way, it's time you drop that thinking, it’s doing nothing for you. Once you drop the negativity, establish new “truths” about who you are, what your dreams are, and what you can achieve, you’ll be unstoppable, Cancer!


FOCUS: You could be questioning something you said or didn’t say this month and it could be causing you some angst. It’s cool. You’re being asked to focus on your ability to cut through the bullshit and get to the real truths. You’re having to deal with your brain telling you one thing and your emotions another. Get clear on your truth and be okay with ruffling a few feathers. Dispatch the information that comes through you to the people who need to hear it! You’ll feel better getting it off your chest!

LEO (7/23-8/22)

You might have found that things have seemed a little more difficult recently. What we think we’ve needed or wanted hasn’t been flowing in and you could’ve been feeling a little desperate. This month, that energy is going to ease and you’re going to see the growth from doubt. Those there to support you will make themselves present and resources will become clearer. Remember that you’re never at it alone, pick your head up and look for the light that is guiding the way to your happiness!


LOVE: How sweet it is to be you this month! At least when it comes to love. The love energy is overflowing this month and you’re being asked to take a bath in it! Make sure that you’re treating yourself this month to the love that you deserve. Focus on self-care and comfort. Create the perfect space for love in your life by loving the shit out of yourself. Once you set the precedence for the universe and others, they’ll follow suit!


CAREER: This month could have you juggling your energy or your money or both. You may be spending time on a new side hustle or competing priorities are popping up at work. You’re going through a period of juggling a bit more than you can handle and you’re being reminded that sometimes to tend to something magical, we might need to drop something else. Take some time to reevaluate what needs to stay this month, if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Don’t ever feel bad about releasing something that is no longer serving you!  


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to accept the divine timing of everything that is flowing into your life. You could be experiencing a bit of longing for time to speed up or a project to finally blossom. You’ve put in the work and now you’re just sitting staring in the oven waiting for the cake to rise. Know that the work that you did and the energy you put in will be harvested in the exact moment it is meant for you. Trust in the universe and watch it reward you!

VIRGO (8/23-9/22)

This month you’ll likely be dealing with making the difficult decision to turn down something you may really want. You’re being asked to focus on processing & dealing with whatever you have in front of you before you accept more into your life. Sometimes we take on more because we’re scared that if we don’t accept something additional, even when we’re emotionally full, it might not be around again when we really need it. That isn’t the case. Whatever is meant for you will find its way to you when you are ready for it. Nothing that is meant for you will ever pass you by!


LOVE: This month you’re moving out of a time where you’re not sure, to a time you know exactly what to do. You may be feeling currently paralyzed when it comes to a love decision or issue, but this will end soon! if you’re still searching for answers, spend time in quiet. You’ll get the clarity you need to balance your emotions and thoughts and make the decision that is best for you!


CAREER: Lots of energy and opportunities are moving and shaking at work this month for you, Virgo. What you’re working towards and wishing for is moving towards you. Things are happening and transforming and it’s your job to sit back and be ready for it to happen! The more you can get out of the way and trust in your heart that things are changing for you, the better!  


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to focus on the positive of what you may have previously seen as a negative. You could be moving out of a time where it seemed like you’ve lost something that could never be replaced or you’re disappointed in your actions or the actions of another. Whatever it was, you’re starting to see that it was for the positive and the trajectory of this pain is heading in a direction of happy times. Let that be your focus this month. Bask in what you currently have and trust that what is right for you is already on its way.

LIBRA (9/23-10/22)

January has you searching for answers to your problems; you want to start the year off on the right foot! You may have set the intention to meditate daily or spend time in a spiritual practice. If you find yourself creating practice to connect and you feel like you can’t, don’t fret, don’t force it. Drop it and come back to it. Spiritual journeys and connections are not linear. We connect in our own way and hear the guidance that is right for us. Take a quiet shower or a peaceful walk, sometimes when we’re distracted it’s the perfect time for us to clearly hear!


LOVE: This month invites to to take a moment to to reflect and tune in before making a leap. Not saying the leap isn’t worth taking, it probably is! If you’re at a point in your love life when you’re getting the itch to move forward (this doesn’t have to be taking a relationship deeper, moving forward could also mean moving on without someone), take a moment, ground, connect with yourself and move forward in a speed that feels comfortable to you. You’re learning the art of divine timing and trusting to make moves and changes when you know it’s right!


CAREER: You’re not flowing through the most comfortable month when it comes to work matters, Libra. It won’t be all bad, it never is. But, there might be some really sticky moments of discomfort when dealing with some issues that are popping up. The good news is, once you process everything that’s coming at you, it will likely be gone and done and you won’t have to think about it for a long while again!  


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to focus on processing & dealing with whatever you have in front of you before you accept more into your life. Sometimes we take on more because we’re scared that if we don’t accept something additional, even when we’re emotionally full, it might not be around again when we really need it. That isn’t the case! Whatever is meant for you will find its way to you when you are ready for it. Nothing that is meant for you will ever pass you by!

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21)

January is asking you to receive the gifts that are flowing to you! Not saying all gifts are sugar and spice and everything nice… But the true gifts of learning, growing and expanding! You’re asked to open yourself to receive. Being vulnerable is hard, don’t we know it, but the more open we are to receive and the more space we allow for more good to enter, the better off we’ll be for it. Start small by working on accepting the compliments flowing to you to this month, be open to the gifts from others. It wasn’t by accident that they’re giving you something, accept the universe’s offer for growth!


LOVE: Damn, 2018 just started and you’re already growing! This month has you befriending your fears and making them your allies (or your bitches)! You could be supercharging your confidence by sending super forward messages to potential lovers or wearing a supersexy outfit you haven’t quite had the right vibe for. In any case, you’re stepping into a time of mental clarity when it comes to your fears. You know how strong you are and you know that your fears are exactly what you make of them!


CAREER: This month, you’re being asked to be in tune with your fluidity at work. You’re going to get along much further in all of your efforts if you take a moment to pause and tune in with yourself before making any big moves. A simple gut check will do the trick! Don’t be afraid to be a little “out there” with your ideas in the workplace this month. If they come from a place where you’re really in your flow, you can trust that they’re coming from spirit, you’re meant to have them and see them through!


FOCUS: This month you’re being reminded to be gentle with yourself as you face your fears. 2018 is a big year and that could be a little scary at times. Don’t beat yourself up for being afraid, we all get a little scared at times. Spend some time connecting with what the root of the fear really is. Don’t force yourself into anything that doesn’t feel comfortable. Be present and focus on feeling in flow with your fears! Soon they’ll be your fuel!

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21)

January could have you learning the lessons of no longer needing to defend yourself or your position. You’re feeling more in alignment with the idea that what is meant for you will find its way to you. There is no need to fight, force, or defend anything in your life. You’re growing comfortable with who you are and feel it less necessary to waste energy in anyway that isn’t productive or moving you along in your journey!


LOVE: You’re putting in the work this month in the love department, Sag. This month may not be the sexiest, but you’re mastering shit this month. You’re putting in the real work that is required of a strong foundation of loving yourself and loving others. This may mean a very repetitious month for the single and coupled alike. The real silver lining here is the mastery available to you! Maybe it’s the perfect opening line for dating apps or crafting the best Saturday night in for you and your honey. Either way, with the work you’re putting in this month, you won’t be disappointed with your growth.


CAREER: You’re  receiving a real gift from divine this month! Something powerful is coming through you to push you into personal expansion. You might be taking on more or something totally new, whatever it is, you’ll be ready to share this pure fire that is lit within you at this time! Burst through this month, growing from your strong foundation and continuing with courage knowing that you’re being divinely guided!


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to do some heavy hitting work around why you’re here and on this earth. What are you here to grow, learn and do? Spend time this month in quiet focusing on what you really want and discovering your purpose, if you don’t know it. If you know why you’re here, ask yourself if you’re taking actions to further your goals and your growth. Are you aligned with what you want to manifest? The start to the year is the perfect time to make your purpose your focus!

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