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March TarotScopes

PISCES (2/19-3/19)

March is begging you to move out of your comfort zone & you know it. You can feel it in your bones, you’re itching to do more, to expand. Do it. No excuses. Now is the time to grow yourself in the direction that you’ve wanted to for a while. If it involves taking a class & you don’t have the money, figure out a free resource where you can learn more. If you need more time, look at your current schedule and figure out what needs to go. You can figure out a way to make this work. Your soul is longing for you to expand this month, do it!


LOVE: This month might feel a little routine. Maybe its going on date after date with little luck, doing what seems like the same thing with your partner over and over every weeknight, or putting in hard hours working on improving and loving yourself, whatever it is, it’s necessary. You’re never going to get to the partner or the relationship or the self-love that you want if you don’t put in the time doing the work. And this month, you’re doing the damn work. But don’t worry babe, it’ll all pay off in the end. It always does!


CAREER: You are on fire this month at work (which should be giving you even more encouragement to dive into something that’s calling you)! You’re connecting with the work that fuels the fire within you and reminds you why you love the work you do (whether it's the kinda work you get paid for or not). You’re making magic happen and your creativity is on point! If at any point you feel like you need an extra boost, get outside and connect with nature. My guess is, Mother Earth will help you clear any mental or creative blocks this month if you just get outside and appreciate her!

FOCUS: This month we’re given the opportunity to look at everything we think we want & cut the bull shit. Do you keep achieving goals for them not to feel satisfying? Or going after dead end relationships? Is it because you’re not going after what truly makes you happy? Are you chasing someone else's dreams or expectations instead of your own? These are the questions that will be popping up for you this month, sweet Pisces. I know they aren’t easy questions, but once you answer them life will be a whole hell of a lot easier.

ARIES (3/20-4/19)

It’s time to get right with yourself this month, Aries. You’ve been suppressing a feeling in your gut or a voice in your head calling you to put yourself first and it’s GD time you listened! March is going to be about figuring out how to make yourself happy, I’m talking to those of you who’ve been thriving off of making others happy! That only goes so far and we can only fill other’s tanks if ours is full and my guess you’re a little run down. Give yourself some major self-care this month, Aries, and prioritize you. Fill your tank back up! Everything, including your relationships, will benefit in the long run from a little you lovin’.


LOVE: March is the month to do the damn thing. Take the leap! Jump in with both feet! Whatever the opportunity is that is knocking at your door, the universe is begging you to answer it! It might seem a little scary or like you’re jumping into the unknown, but you wouldn't be asked to leap if you we’re going to fall! Seize the opportunities that are coming your way this month, dear Aries!


CAREER: This month has you examining the love you have for the work that you do. It’s time for you to be deeply in love with how you spend your time. Take a long, hard look at what you need to do and what changes that you can make to make it easier to love your work & how you’re spending your time. The energy of this month is ushering in a chance to cleanse bad habits and receive what we need to create amazing things in the future. You have the opportunity to change how you treat and regard your work this month and a chance to find some serious joy, open your eyes to all of the possibilities that March is bringing you in regards to your career!


FOCUS: There is so much good coming your way in March, Aries! Your main goal is to just trust it & want more! It’s okay to shoot for the moon, because with these good vibes, you’re bound to land amongst the stars! It can sometimes feel uncomfortable when things are sailing so smoothly, because we question if someone is going to pull the rug out from under us. Not this time. You’re supported and your dreams are coming true! Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with positive people this month (and always) to remind you that you deserve all the good that is coming to you! Trust the universe will deliver everything you need in the timing that works best for you!

TAURUS (4/20-5/20)

You’ve been running a marathon and you’re so close to the finish line you might be able to see it. Or you might not. But either way, you’ve been putting in major work and it's about time to start reaping the rewards. If you’ve been feeling burnt out, be sure that you’re taking care of yourself and giving yourself a rest when you need it. We just want to get things done and we sometimes sacrifice our own well being just to get to the finish line. Take care of yourself Taurus, you need your energy to celebrate when you reach your goal, don’t burn out right before you get to the end!


LOVE: How are you doing emotionally? When was the last time you checked in and forced yourself to answer that question? March requires you to get right with your feels when it comes to love. Are you over emotional and not thinking logically? Are you pushing your emotions to the side to try and operate from your head instead of your heart? Neither of these are the answer, but nothing will feel quite right until you take some time, preferably by yourself, to figure out if you’re emotionally satisfied in your current situation. If not, it’s a great time to do something about it!


CAREER: You may have been going through some shit at work during February. Something happened & you’re running through all the scenarios of “it was their fault” then “it was my fault” and “they should fix it” and “maybe I deserve this outcome.” Whatever the situation, March is going is ushering in better vibes. Everyone involved in the hurt or issue is tending to their wounds and hopefully coming out healed and better on the other side. Relationships might be a little touchy because there are still some scars, but nothing that can’t be mended and built even tougher in the future!


FOCUS: You’re being asked to savor all the work that you’ve put in over the last few weeks and months. Take time to yourself to celebrate yourself in a way that feels best to you. Part of being a human is enjoying it! You don’t have to have a million dollars to feel like a million bucks, this month you’re being urged to focus on celebrating you in however you see fit! You’re likely to share your rewards and accomplishments with others so they can reap the benefit too & that’s great, but before you share, keep it all to yourself for a bit. You deserve it, love.

GEMINI (5/21-6/20)

March is a month of growth, Gemini! Growth is never easy or comfortable, though. My guess is everything was flowing, you we’re vibing, everything seemed to “just fit” and then it didn’t. Maybe it’s time for you to take on a different challenge, push yourself into a new opportunity. Maybe it’s time to just honor the discomfort for a bit. Sometimes it's uncomfortable to outgrow something that we’ve worked so hard to achieve or wanted for so long. But life isn’t about being comfortable all the time! Lean into the discomfort & let it lead you to finding your next groove. Know that you’re irreplaceable, Gemini, no one came to earth to do what you’re here to do!


LOVE: February could have left you feeling like you needed to make a choice or a decision. You might have even felt like you were being backed into a corner forced to pick or move forward with something that didn’t seem quite right. The lesson here is that you were right to feel a little uneasy. Take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspective, are you really being forced to make a decision or does it just feel like it? Chances are, this internal pressure is just that, internal. Take some time to reflect on the situation and listen to what you heart really wants. You might be surprised by what it tells you!


CAREER: February probably wasn’t the easiest month for you, dear Gemini. You likely have been dealing with some shit at work. Something happened & you’ve been running through all the scenarios of “it was their fault” then “it was my fault” and “they should fix it” and “maybe I deserve this outcome.” Whatever the situation, March is going is bringing in better vibes. Everyone involved in the hurt or issue is tending to their wounds and hopefully coming out healed and better on the other side. Relationships might be a little touchy because there are still some scars, but nothing that can’t be mended and built even tougher in the future!


FOCUS: Your focus this month, sweet Gemini, is to take care of yourself. You’ve been working your ass off, giving everything all the love & energy that you can and you’ve quite possibly been beaten up for it. Take March to rest when you need it. Don’t completely stop, because you’re working on stuff that's way too big for a break, but take care of you. Be careful that you’re listening to your body and emotions when you’re going through these big sprints of work & change. Don’t sacrifice your own well being for the sake of progress. You’re important and deserve all the love, be sure you’re reminding yourself of that daily.

CANCER (6/21-7/22)

March is likely to hold some challenges, but nothing that you’re not equipped to handle. You’re being asked to use your intuition to guide you to face your biggest fears. You’ll be put in a situation (which might feel more like a battle of some sort) that may make you feel like you need to put up your defenses, but the universe is begging you to drop them. Our fears often lay down at our feet when were brave enough to look them directly in the eyes. It’s scary, but you’re strong enough to handle anything. Be tender with yourself & the situation all the while being courageous and facing the things that scare the crap out of you. I promise that if anything, March will make you realize how strong you are!


LOVE: February seemed to require all the love energy you had to give and March is knocking at your door asking “what about me?” You’ve been putting in energy and effort & possibly not seeing the rewards that you were expecting to reap from your efforts. You’re not done yet, but things are getting easier. Make sure that you’re focusing on your needs before someone else’s. You’ll never be able to fill up someone's love tank if yours is empty. Put yourself first, give yourself the love that you’d expect from a partner. Figure out what if feels like to make yourself genuinely happy. Then enjoy the added bonus of love from someone else.


CAREER: March is forcing you to grow, Cancer! Growth is almost never easy & comfortable, though. My guess is everything was flowing, you we’re vibing, everything seemed to “just fit” at work and then it didn’t. Maybe it’s time for you to take on a different challenge, push yourself into a new opportunity. Maybe it’s time to just honor the discomfort for a bit. Sometimes it's uncomfortable to outgrow something that we’ve worked so hard to achieve or wanted for so long. But life isn’t about being comfortable all the time! Lean into the discomfort & let it lead you to finding your next groove. Know that you’re irreplaceable, Cancer, no one came to earth to do what you’re here to do!


FOCUS: This months focus is all about the answers that you already have within you. Your intuition is heightened this month, you’re able to connect at a deeper level to your higher self, guides, the universe, source, whatever you choose call it. The message is to listen. If you feel like you need answers or guidance, you already have them. All of the answers that you’re searching for are inside of you just bursting to get out. You just have to be available to listen and look for the messages and signs from spirit! Be sure that you’re giving yourself plenty of quiet time alone this month so you’re available to hear everything that is meant for you!

LEO (7/23-8/22)

You’re searching for answers. You’re likely feeling like you just want someone or something to just tell you the next move to make. Well, I’m here to tell you that isn’t quite the case. YOU have all the answers. Everything you need to know, every answer you’re search for is already inside of you. You have the power to access all of the knowledge you could possibly need to get you through any situation. Your intuition is heightened this month & it’s trying to get through to you, but you have to be quiet enough to hear it, still enough to notice it. Be sure you’re taking enough time away from the hustle & bustle to connect with yourself. I promise you’ll find the answers you’re searching for.


LOVE: Chances are you’ve been searching for the spark of passion. Whether you’re single and looking or in a committed relationship or something in between, there’s a longing for expansion. Likely you know the action that you need to take to bring more creativity, fire and passion into your life, but there might be a fear holding you back. Are you scared of sharing a part of the true you? Are you worried about what the world would think? Question what’s holding you back. Maybe you’re just protecting yourself, but maybe you need a kick in the pants to burst out of your shell!


CAREER: You are in the flow this month at work! You are vibing and rolling and getting things done! Whether you’re feeling it or you need me to tell you, things are falling into place. You’re likely working on a project with a team or a group of you and things seem to just be flowing. You’re reminded that each of you has a purpose, each of you has individual strengths and weaknesses unlike the others. But that’s what makes you such a great team! You’re each irreplaceable in your own way. Value others opinions and perspectives & know that you each play such an important role in achieving your goals at work.


FOCUS: The first couple months of 2018 could have had you feeling like you were just emotionally full. Like you couldn’t deal with one more bit of bad news or dramatic situation, but they kept presenting themselves and popping up anyway. This month’s focus is all about releasing all of the crap so that you can deal with future annoying issues with more flow and clarity. Give yourself the space and time you need to work through your shit, this time isn’t wasted! By the end of March you shouldn’t be feeling so emotionally bogged down and heavy, you’ll have processed what you needed to deal with so you can grow and expand into more, just in time for spring!

VIRGO (8/23-9/22)

This is a big month for you, Virgo! In March you’re being gifted a new seed of opportunity. Whatever it is, you can feel in your bones that this is a chance at something great. It could be an idea or choice, big or small, but whatever it is, it needs to be tended to. Because whatever you’re being gifted now has the ability to grow into something incredible if you dedicate the time and resources to nurture it. Imagine the amazing possibilities ahead!


LOVE: February could have left you feeling like you needed to make a choice or a decision. You might have even felt like you were being backed into a corner forced to pick or move forward with something that didn’t seem quite right. The lesson here is that you were right to feel a little uneasy. Take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspective, are you really being forced to make a decision or does it just feel like it? Chances are, this internal pressure is just that, internal. Take some time to reflect on the situation and listen to what you heart really wants. You might be surprised by what it tells you!


CAREER: It seems like you have something to share from the heart, but you’re nervous about it. Maybe you’re unsure about how it’s going to be received. Maybe you’re not exactly sure who to trust. Whatever it is, if it’s coming from the heart, it needs to be shared, there’s a reason its nagging at you. Just be sure that you find an audience that you trust. Being vulnerable and opening up at work is difficult, but it isn’t as hard as you think!


FOCUS: March is the month to do the damn thing. Your focus should be on the new opportunities that are presenting themselves to you! Take the leap! Jump in with both feet! Whatever it is that is knocking at your door, the universe is begging you to answer it! It might seem a little scary or like you’re jumping into the unknown, but you wouldn't be asked to leap if you we’re going to fall! Seize the opportunities that are coming your way this month, dear Virgo!

LIBRA (9/23-10/22)

Libra, baby, how are you flowing? You’re usually moving through life gracefully and leaving everything prettier in your path, but March has you working against your usual flow. Instead of sitting back and releasing, are you trying to control the outcome of certain situations? Are you trying to do the Universe’s job? Are you spending your time and energy thinking about “what ifs” or “I should haves?”  Remember, even when things get tough, you always have the option to move through it with ease & grace. What has happened in the past, has happened. There is nothing that we can do about it now, besides move through it with ease and grace, like you always do boo boo.


LOVE: February had that love feeling crazy. The past month you could have been going through somewhat of an energetic mess. You we’re faced with some sort of difficult or unpleasant situation and was forced into all the feels and emotions that it brought with it. You were possibly quick to anger and your energy felt like it was being pulled in all different directions. The good news is, in March, you’re moving past the funk. You’ve hit your stride again and things have started to flow! Sit back and relax this month babe, things are on the up and up!


CAREER: Things are looking good for you at work this month, dear Libra! You could have been feeling like you were beating your head against the wall to make things work, only to realize that there was an easier way to get it done the entire time. Sometimes when we get so deep into something we can’t see the opportunity for improvement. The good news is March is a month of seeing easier options! Not saying you’re sitting back and doing nothing, but it won’t feel like near as much work when you’re flowing right along like the Universe intended!


FOCUS: Focus on the subtle signs from your intuition this month, Libra. You might find yourself really trying to connect and hear from guides or higher self this month and feel straight blocked. Either you’re not getting the answers you need or they just don’t seem clear. Don’t stress about trying to figure it out, just keep moving. The signs that are meant for you will find their way to you. Keep yourself present, this month and always!

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21)

February might have been a rough one for you, sweet Scorpio! You took a chance on something and you likely got burned. You’ve been processing and healing. Asking yourself how you could’ve let this happen. The time for that to end is now. March has you realizing that you can quite possibly get through anything. We all make mistakes and we all have to process it, but we’re not defined by the choices that we make. You’re a stronger & wiser person because of the lessons you’ve learned the last couple months. Keep rocking, babe.


LOVE: There isn’t any value fighting against reality. You lose every damn time. Something is happening and you want it to change, but fighting it is going to get you nowhere. You’ve gotta accept the situation before you can do anything about it. Take a step back and look at what you’re going through from a different perspective. Remember babe, the Universe is always conspiring for us, not against us. Everything we face is an opportunity to learn and become wiser.


CAREER: You’ve started to get some answers and receive some clarity around questions you’ve been asking. Where you were previously fumbling around in the dark, you’re moving through with total clarity. When the light gets turned on, not everything we see is always as beautiful or as awful as we imagined. Take a time to process your newfound clarity around this work-related issue and trust that you finally have the full picture.


FOCUS: Focus on the expansion of your passion and creativity this month, boo! Chances are you’ve been searching for the spark of passion or its been ruminating inside of you for a while just waiting to burst out. Likely you know the action that you need to take to bring more creativity, fire and passion into your life, but there might be a fear holding you back. Are you scared of sharing a part of the true you? Are you worried about what the world would think? Question what’s holding you back. Maybe you’re just protecting yourself, but maybe you need a kick in the pants to burst out of your shell!

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21)

March is all about sitting back and letting the Universe provide for you what you need to create something incredible. You have the ability to nurture, provide, and grow anything that you set your mind to, but sometimes we have to sit back and receive the seed first, before we have anything to grow. A lot of us are uncomfortable with receiving because we feel like we’re taking away from someone else, but sometimes we’re given opportunities to grow them for others to benefit as well. Let the Universe in and give you its spoils and work your butt off to grow them to share with the world.


LOVE: The beginning of the year had you dealing with some intense emotions and feels. It may feel like you’ve been to hell and back and it’s only March. You did some major work digging through what you want vs. what you need to keep yourself happy and now you’re realizing that it might not have been what you thought. An event or situation forced you to realize that you couldn’t continue with the way things were and you walked away. March is going to remind you that you made the right choice. Know that there is always something better on the other side of heartbreak. You just need to hang on long enough to get there.


CAREER: March has you struggling with how much space to take up at work. You could find yourself trying to get involved in every opportunity and volunteering to take point on everything or completely backing out, holding your tongue, and questioning your own abilities. Something has you off your game and you’re not flowing in your usual alignment. Before you burn out or fade away, take a step back and check in with yourself. Figure out what’s driving your insecurity and address it.


FOCUS: This month might feel messy. Your feels might be at an all time high and you could be running around with a very short temper. Keep it in check babe. When you’re moving through difficult situations and energy is flying in every which direction, its best to just take some time to chill before speaking your mind. Move through this, process it. Speak your mind when you’ve cooled off a bit, babe, you won’t regret it.

CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)

You’ve been running a marathon babe! Putting in long hours and lots of energy to reach your goal and sometimes it feels like all you get in return is beat up. Unfortunately, every once in a while, that’s the price we pay for following our passions and our dreams. But the message is don’t stop! Keep going! Things do get hard & they might get even a bit harder from here, but this is nothing you can’t handle! Take time to recover & rest when you need it, but whatever you do don’t give up. You’ve worked way too hard for way too long to quit now. The universe is begging you to keep pushing!


LOVE: March is bringing up some past fears for you to face and deal with again. The situation is a little hazy and you feel like you have a fuzzy view of the situation because you’re a little in the dark. You have two options, you can freak out or you can tune into your intuition. In situations like these, only you have the answers that you need. But you can only hear them if you’re quiet enough to listen to them. This isn’t the first time you’ve been through something like this & you know you can get through it. You’re stronger than you think & everything you need is already inside of you.


CAREER: Babe, you just need to have a good time with what you’re doing! Whether the work you’re doing now is fun or a total bore, you’re being urged to enjoy it! Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to perform all the time and find joy in what you’re doing. Find things about your job that you really enjoy doing & volunteer to do more of it. Spend more time on your passion project outside of work. Whatever it is, March needs you to have a good time. Life doesn’t always have to be hard work, you can have fun too!


FOCUS: This months focus is all about the silver lining. You’ve worked, wished & waited for something for so long and chances are you could be starting to feel a little desperate. Don’t drop down to begging and desperation. Trust that what you need and want is on its way to you. Use this time productively. What can do you in your current situation with what you have? Chances are you have a pile of lemons. And what you forgot is that no one is better than making lemonade than you.

AQUARIUS (1/21-2/18)

You’re juggling all kinds of priorities & responsibilities in March, Aquarius. You’re being forced to prioritize everything you’re trying to achieve and complete with your own self care and basic needs.  The reminder here is that you only have two hands and two feet. Sometimes you need to let things go. Letting the ball drop is an important lesson in what we really need to prioritize. You can’t carry the world on your shoulders and sometimes you just need a break. This month, spend your energy on the most important things. Remember, your self-care & well being is always a priority.


LOVE: Chances are, March is going to have you staying all kinds of busy, moving every which way and handling each issue as it pops up, but are you staying busy because you’re trying to avoid your feels? A lot of times when we’re dealing with something that makes us uncomfortable, we try and avoid it at all costs & an easy way to do that is stay busy. Though you may be productive, there's likely something that needs some processing. Ground down this month and sit with your feelings & thoughts. It will give you the clarity that you’ve likely been needing, but trying to avoid.


CAREER: March has you experiencing déjà vu, but on the other side of a situation. If you were recently in the struggle or was needing some serious help at work and someone or something intervened and was able to lend a helping hand, March could feel familiar. Except this time, you’re going to be lending the helping hand. Your struggles & the lessons you learned from getting through them have perfectly positioned you to help others that are now going through similar issues. Use your wisdom & strength to help others along on their journey!


FOCUS:  Your focus is all on creation this month, Aquarius. You have the power to create the reality that you desire. Though your month may be busy and full of energy, you have the tools and resources that  you need to manifest what is in highest and best for you. Create space and time for you to connect with your passions and fire to help guide your creativity. The universe is aligning for you to create everything you came here to earth to do!

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