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February TarotScopes

AQUARIUS (1/21-2/18)

This month could have you facing some of your biggest fears. And there might be a voice in your head telling you that you can’t do it. Wrong. You can do it! You can do anything, but you have to be gentle with yourself! If you’re scared, you’re scared, there is no value in shaming yourself. Take a long, hard look at what is freaking you out and push through whatever is mentally holding you back. Then, when you’re ready take a step forward. You don’t have to dive into the deep end, you can ease into boo! You got this!


LOVE: January could have had you defending your position in your love life. Whether it’s feeling tension between you and your partner or feeling like you have to compete in the dating world, you’re going feel a relief this month. But this is the time to do some serious reflection, did you really have to defend yourself or did it just feel like it? Our emotions are 100% real and valid, but that doesn’t mean that what we perceive is the truth. Remind yourself that you’re irreplaceable and there is nothing you have to defend. Life ebbs and flows, sometimes we’re on top and sometimes we’re not, but there’s no reason to be mad about it.


CAREER: Things are happening! Even if you can’t see it yet, whatever you’ve been working towards and busting your ass over, is signed, sealed, and in the mail. Right now you just have to trust that the work & energy you put in will be rewarded. You’re playing a bit of the waiting game and that’s rarely fun, but don’t use this time idly. Make sure you’re narrowing in on what you want.  


FOCUS: February is time for you to take a step back and figure out your boundaries, with focus on your mental care. Maybe it’s time for you to draw the line with your negative self talk. Maybe it’s scheduling time for yourself and being adamant that you follow through. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for those you love. Figure out what it is that’s draining you this month and put some changes in place to make sure you’re energetically full moving forward.

PISCES (2/19-3/19)

Things are happening! You’re in a month of transformation. There could be major life changes or minor shifts that are building to something big. Either way, whatever you’ve been waiting for is on its way and it’s your job to just sit back and let it happen. I know that isn’t easy, but just let the universe take care of you, love. Even if you can’t see it yet, whatever you’ve been working towards is signed, sealed, and in the mail. Right now you just have to trust that the work & energy you put in will be rewarded in the highest and best for you.


LOVE: God damn it, be yourself, you’re so fucking lovable. So often we are told that if we’d “just change xxx you’d be lovable.” Wrong. You are lovable and deserving of love exactly how you are now. If you work through some shit that might be bogging you down, your relationships would likely flow smoother, but that doesn’t mean you’re not lovable exactly how you are now. You’re being urged to stop worrying about what you need to change and focus your attention on being yourself and truly living the version of yourself that makes you most happy.


CAREER: You did good. You might be questioning the work that you put in over the past weeks, months or even years, but don’t. If you put in the work and you earned it, you’re going to be rewarded for the energy and effort you put forward. The universe isn’t stingy, she showers us with abundance when we’ve put in the effort to deserve it. Make sure that you take a step back and enjoy your accomplishments. You don’t need to into the next thing, honor the work you did by living in the moment for a bit!


FOCUS: You focus this month should be self-care and only self-care. Don’t get caught up in the hype that self-care means manicures or face masks on Sundays. Self-care means taking time for yourself when you need it. Saying “no” to work emails when you’re watching The Bachelor with your girlfriends. Getting three nutritious meals a day. Making time for a physical activity you enjoy. The universe is begging you to focus on yourself this month! Focusing on your needs helps heal, in turn you’ll show up better for those you love.

ARIES (3/20-4/19)

January could have had you feeling like there were lots of options or ways to turn but there wasn’t a clear direction in which way to go. Guess what buttercup! February is a new month and the path to take is going to get clearer. That doesn’t mean that you have to make a decision though, love. Give yourself some time, share what’s going on with those you trust, if you need to. Getting perspective helps if you’re still feeling stuck. But chances are all you need is a little time to yourself and you’ll know in your heart which way to go.


LOVE: Something might have you in a little love funk this month. Things were feeling so right and now you’re wondering what is off. Things can’t stay perfect forever, we grow and we change. But out of growth we create new opportunities for ourselves. We can remind ourselves that there is no one in the world like us. We are one of a kind. You’re not replaceable and you’re not in competition with anyone. If you get passed up for a date, so what? That person doesn’t exist to you anymore because they weren’t meant for you. Trust in the universe. Trust that what you’re doing is working. You have your own unique brand of magic and trust that it will bring you the right partner or help heal some cracks in your current relationship.


CAREER: Are you taking care of yourself physically in regards to your work? There could be a chance that you’re straight up physically exhausting your body because you’re not taking time for yourself. You probably have a million things to get done and assume that less sleep is the answer. Wrong. Take care of your damn temple! If you’re not honoring your body, it will crap out on you when you need it most. Take a physical break and make sure you have the self-care basics: rest, good food, and plenty of water. A little yoga never killed anybody either!


FOCUS: You are a magical, amazing, creative being. You can do anything. Spend your time this month connecting with yourself, your sexuality, and nature. You are being reminded to spend your time connecting to your passions and the fire that’s burning inside of you. Figure out what activities in your life make you feel magical and do the eff out of them this month!

TAURUS (4/20-5/20)

This month has you tuning into yourself and tuning everything else out. It’s time for you to take a step back, possibly physically travel to somewhere else, and get some quiet time to yourself. The noise of everyday life, the opinions and concerns of our loved ones, and our own personal expectations fill our heads with anxiety ridden thoughts. Leave all that noise behind and get take some quiet time to yourself, you’ll be grateful you did!


LOVE: There is a reason behind whatever you’re experiencing in your love life right now, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You might be going through hell and this might be really hard to swallow, but take a long, hard look at your situation and find the silver lining. Why are you here? What are you learning right now? How are you going to move forward a wiser person because of this experience? What can you share with others about what you’re going through that can help heal them?


CAREER: Sometimes only thing we can do to move forward in our careers is to buckle down and put in the hard hours to hone our craft. You’re going to find yourself doing the hard time this month, the get-you-hands-dirty in the trenches kinda stuff. But this is what you have to go through to really become a master of whatever you’re working on. This is what you have to go through to be able to teach others. Yeah, it’s not fun doing flashcards on Friday night, but if you want to move up or forward you have to put in the work. And you’re going to do that this month.


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to live in your damn shoes. Walk your walk. Shine your light because the world needs it, the world needs you. There is enough everything in the world for you and the universe wants you to have it if you have the guts to just be you. You’re being asked to live in a place where you are comfortable with who you are and you don’t really give a damn about what other people think. The more you operate in this mindset, the more you help those around you to do the same. You only have a set amount of energy, make sure it’s channeled into being who you are instead of worrying about what other people think. It’s none of your damn business anyway.

GEMINI (5/21-6/20)

You’ve probably been feeling like you need to create some boundaries in your life, whether it’s putting your phone away when having conversations, less working at home on your days off, or drawing the line on negative self-talk. This is an important part of self-care, giving yourself the time and energy that you need and deserve. Where do you need to draw some lines in the sand to better the quality of your life? What do you need to mentally check out from because it drains your energy? These are the questions that are going to be hitting you in the face this month if you don’t already have an answer ready.


LOVE:  January could have had you defending your position in your love life. Whether it’s feeling tension between you and your partner or feeling like you have to compete in the dating world, you’re going feel a relief this month. But this is the time to do some serious reflection, did you really have to defend yourself or did it just feel like it. Our emotions are 100% real and valid, but that doesn’t mean that what we perceive is the truth. Remind yourself that you’re irreplaceable and there is nothing you have to defend, life ebbs and flows, sometimes we’re on top and sometimes we’re not, but there’s no reason to be mad about it.


CAREER: There is a reason behind whatever you’re experiencing in your career right now; you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You might be going through hell and this might be really hard to swallow, but take a long, hard look at your situation and find the silver lining. Why are you here? What are you learning right now? How are you going to move forward a wiser person because of this experience? What can you share with others about what you’re going through that can help heal them?


FOCUS: You might have found that things have seemed a little more difficult recently, but it’s time to see the silver lining. You’re keeping your head down and possibly keeping your struggle to yourself, all the while passing up the opportunity for a helping hand. Pick your head up and remember that whatever you’re going through is something that you were built to handle. Spend this time uncomfortable time doing something useful, don’t sit and wallow. Show the universe what you want by doing something about your current situation and the pieces will start to come together.

CANCER (6/21-7/22)

You’re wishing and waiting and wondering why timing just doesn’t seem to be on your side right now. You’re hoping something will happen and you just want to move the clock ahead already. Cool your jets. Trust that whatever you’re moving through now is moving seemly slowly for a reason. Maybe you’re being asked to savor these moments and learn what you can from this situation because wherever you are and whatever you’re going through isn’t going to last forever and you want to be a better person on the other side. Stop and take a look around and trust that this is happening for you and not to you.


LOVE: January could have had you defending your position in your love life. Whether it’s feeling tension between you and your partner or feeling like you have to compete in the dating world, you’re going feel a relief this month. But this is the time to do some serious reflection, did you really have to defend yourself or did it just feel like it. Our emotions are 100% real and valid, but that doesn’t mean that what we perceive is the truth. Remind yourself that you’re irreplaceable and there is nothing you have to defend, life ebbs and flows, sometimes we’re on top and sometimes we’re on the bottom.


CAREER: Some things might not taste quite right this month at work right now. Everything could be looking really good on the outside, but once you dig a little deeper you might realize that new opportunity is actually a trashcan fire project that is going to explode. So what do you do about it? Is what you think you want really at work aligned with what you actually need to be fulfilled and happy? Are you putting your effort into something that you think is going to make you happy for the recognition or because it’s what you “should want”? If you are, it’s time to take a moment and figure out what is really going to make you happy. Once you do, things will taste a lot sweeter.


FOCUS: Dear Cancer, you’ve been running so fast and moving so quickly and it’s finally time to slow down and take a break for a bit. Focus on yourself for a minute and drop in and figure out what you need. The world doesn’t need you rushing around and putting out fires this month, the world needs you to take a moment for yourself. Realize the lessons that you’ve learned from the fast pace you’ve been running on and honor yourself by slowing the frick down this month.

LEO (7/23-8/22)

You might have spent January telling yourself some straight bull$h*t about how you couldn't do something or you weren’t good enough or you deserved some sort of crap that was thrown at you. Wrong. And if you haven’t realized that isn’t true yet, you’re going to this month. Negative thoughts serve no purpose. Telling yourself you can’t do something is a waste of your precious time and energy, because you can do anything, love. This all of that should become pretty apparent this month. If you stay out of your own head, the possibilities are endless.


LOVE: The chariot - Love is sweet for you this month, Leo. You’re in a spot where things are just flowing. Ride this out! Not to be the bearer of bad news, but nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it while it lasts. Don’t question your partners sudden interest in your trash tv shows or their uptick in compliments. Its all well deserved. Bask in the flow of good love vibes flowing your way. Perfect vibes this month for finding a date for V-day, if you haven’t already!


CAREER: Your mind is clear about what needs to happen at work. You’ve either been struck with a new idea about how to move forward on a project or received clarity about a situation. Either way, you have an opportunity to available and open for something amazing to happen. Whatever you’re experiering you, it’s forcing you to open minded about a situation and have awareness of ourselves in the experience. Maybe you just need to look at the situation you’re in, in a different light? Maybe you have a new option that you’ve never considered. Be open to receiving any and all of it this month.  


FOCUS: Your world is being illuminated this month. You’re able to see clearly whereas maybe before it felt like you had to cut through fog. You’re getting the answers that you were looking for, this month, sweet Leo. Knowing the full truth and getting the answers you were seeking is going to lead to things getting easier, getting lighter. Trust in what you’re seeing and feeling this month, you’re seeing clearly. Get out of your damn head and have a great february!

VIRGO (8/23-9/22)

You might have found that things have seemed a little more difficult recently. What we think we’ve needed or wanted maybe hasn’t been coming to us as easy as it has in the past. It could have you feeling a little desperate. This month, that energy is going to ease and you’re going to see the growth from whatever you’ve been struggling through. Pick your head up and remember that this is nothing that you can’t handle. Spend this time uncomfortable time doing something useful, don’t sit and wallow. Show the universe what you want by doing something about your current situation and the pieces will start to come together, I promise.


LOVE: You’re being asked to move through your love life with ease and grace. Leave everything behind you more beautiful than before you were there. Leave situations that aren’t flowing and just move on. When things feel really rough, you don’t know where to turn and you’re forced to make a choice, choose the graceful one. There doesn’t need to be drama or tension. Take the easy road this time, flow through it. You’ll be happy you did.


CAREER: You’re being asked to focus on one thing at a time this month, Virgo. Keep your focus on the next move, don’t worry about what is going to happen in the future, that is none of your concern. The only thing that you have control over is yourself in this present moment. Check yourself when you’re doing too much long term planning. Where your attention and energy needs to be is on what you’re working on now that can get you farther along towards your goals. The universe will take care on helping you along in the long term as long as you do the work in the moment.


FOCUS: We’ve likely made a choice that is hurting us really badly. Don’t worry babe, it’s not the end of the world. It’s now an opportunity to to grow. There is absolutely no value in beating yourself up. So what? You made a mistake. EVERYONE makes mistakes. I’m sure even Beyonce (not confirmed) but seriously, you are still loveable and amazing and incredible. Learn something from this, move on, and love yourself baby!

LIBRA (9/23-10/22)

Are you feeling guilty about letting go of something in regards to how you spend your time? Or maybe you’re just feeling guilty about how you chose to spend your time in general. Whatever it is, you’re being reminded to not be afraid to disappoint people, if the pressure is coming from an outside source. How they feel about you is their problem, not yours. I know that’s harder said than done. But take February to question where this guilt is coming from and give yourself a break. Time for yourself is necessary for good self-care. We’re not perfect, we’re all out here just trying to do our best, you included, love.


LOVE: Things are good and you’re doubting it? Trust what is happening! You deserve this. Things aren’t “too good to be true” they’re just fucking good. That doesn’t mean you have to shout it from the rooftops if that isn’t what you’re feeling, but just trust and know that right now, things are to be enjoyed. If you’re really enjoying being single, just be single then! If you’re dating someone new and things seem really great, they probably freaking are. You deserve this love, be happy you’re getting yours!


CAREER: Things are happening! Even if you can’t see it yet, whatever you’ve been working towards and busting your ass over, is signed, sealed, and in the mail. Right now you just have to trust that the work & energy you put in will be rewarded. You’re playing a bit of the waiting game and that’s rarely fun, but don’t use this time idly.


FOCUS: You might have found that things have seemed a little more difficult recently. What we think we’ve needed or wanted maybe hasn’t been coming to us as easy as it has in the past. It could have you feeling a little desperate. This month, pick your head up and remember that this is nothing that you can’t handle. Spend this time uncomfortable time doing something useful, don’t sit and wallow. Show the universe what you want by doing something about your current situation and the pieces will start to come together, I promise.

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21)

Time to get present with the current moment. Beyond what we can see and understand right now, know that transformation and change are headed your way, Scorpio! Flow with the changes that are coming your way. Each lesson that you try to avoid will come back with more force. It might not feel easy at first, but trust that it’s all for the positive, always.  


LOVE: January might have had you feeling a little trapped in a certain situation. You were either not agreeing about something with you partner or having a hard time on the dating scene, but either way, you’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel in February. You’re being reminded that you always have options, you’re never trapped. The more you share and you express what you’re going through with others, the more their perspective will give you clues to your own opportunities.


CAREER: You might beat yourself to a pulp at work this month. You might fill your head with untrue thoughts about how you can’t do something or how you’re not good enough. You’re probably going to believe them for a while. Because that happens to the best of us. But the good news is once you get yourself really upset, you’ll prove yourself wrong. Take the easy way and remind yourself how great you are and cut the crap.


FOCUS: You might be doubting yourself this month, but when you do, look back on all that you’ve accomplished. You might just be creating mental blocks for yourself. You know that you’re capable of everything that you’re up against because you’ve proved how kick-ass you are over and over again. Every achievement is possible, get out of your own way and let it happen.

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21)

Are you looking at a certain someone and thinking they deserve less than you? Are you thinking that maybe if they just weren’t in your life it’d be easier? Are you wishing that someone is just different than how they are? This is your chance for major growth. It’s time to question why you’re feeling like this. Are you ready to choose love instead of judgement? Can you offer compassion to this person instead of judgement.  We’re all the same on the inside and we’re all deserving of the same amount of love. You’re up against some major energetic forces this month, Sag. Choose love, it’s always the right choice.


LOVE: You’re wishing and waiting and wondering why timing just doesn’t seem to be on your side right now. You’re hoping something will happen and you just want to move the clock ahead already. Cool your jets. Trust that whatever you’re moving through now is moving seemly slowly for a reason. Maybe you’re being asked to savor these moments and learn what you can from this situation because wherever you are and whatever you’re going through isn’t going to last forever and you want to be a better person on the other side. Stop and take a look around and trust that this is happening for you and not to you. Try to enjoy the moment you’re in now before trying to rush to the next.


CAREER: It’s time for a deep transformation and healing of a certain career related issue. It doesn’t mean that this month you’re going to be shocked with major changes that cause immediate impact, but more so things that need to be taken care of are getting taken care of. Whatever you’re experiencing at work, it might bring you to some emotional places, but it’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes. You have to work through issues to come out the other side a better and changed person.


FOCUS: This month you’re being asked to savor all the work that you’ve put in over the last few weeks and months. Take time to yourself to celebrate yourself in a way that feels best to you. Before you share with the world your accomplishment, sneak away and get some special moments to yourself to reflect on what you’ve done and how far you’ve come. You deserve this, babe, you’re becoming the person you were meant to be!

CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)

This month is all about the juggle, Cap. You’re in a special time to learn and understand how to both tend to whatever you’re creating in this life and take care of yourself and your responsibilities in the process. The reminder is that you only have two hands and two feet. Sometimes you need to let things go. Prioritize what needs to stay and what can fall to the wayside. Only the most important things stays in February. Just remember: self-care should always be a priority.


LOVE: For you, in the love department, it almost feels like January was hibernation and February is the real start to your year. Maybe you were just taking a much needed break, but now is the time to get back on the dating scene or start spending more quality time with your partner. Taking a time out is healthy and much needed, especially when you’re on the hunt for the perfect partner. Know that you can always step away for a few weeks. You’re going to find someone when you’re meant to, don’t stress love.


CAREER: You’ve done the damn thing! You’ve moved through so many obstacles and faced so many challenges and this month it’s finally coming full circle. You are going to feel the energetic competition of whatever you’ve worked and strived so hard for. This could be in the form of praise of promotion, but could also be the opportunity to start a completely new adventure soon. The world really is your oyster!


FOCUS: Sometimes only thing we can do to move forward in our careers is to buckle down and put in the hard hours to hone our craft. You’re going to find yourself doing the hard time this month, the get-you-hands-dirty in the trenches kinda stuff. But this is what you have to go through to really become a master of whatever you’re working on. This is what you have to go through to be able to teach others. Yeah, it’s not fun doing flashcards on Friday night, but if you want to move up or forward you have to put in the work. And you’re going to do that this month.

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