May TarotScopes
TAURUS (4/20-5/20)
The possibilities are really endless for you this May, Taurus! Whatever it is, you’ve got something special going on. You’ve been devoting time and energy to it. You may have shared whatever it is with a few close people or maybe keeping it pretty private. Whatever it is, now is the time to bask in the joy and the possibilities of what’s to come! The future isn’t guaranteed, so you might as well have fun wishing, dreaming, hoping and believing that anything is possible! Because it is! Take just a few minutes to write down your biggest dreams somewhere (if you haven’t already) because I bet you’ll be amazed at how much closer you are to them by the end of the month if you do!
LOVE: Transformation is heading your way, babe! It’s likely beyond what you can see or feel in the current moment, but trust that what you’re hoping to happen in your love life will happen is some way or another! Ultimately, we’re not in control of meeting our partner or the fate of our relationship, but we can create the most perfect environment for what we’re wishing for. Stay deeply present and learn how your actions are contributing to your reality. Make the changes necessary to create the life and relationship you want. If you want a life partner, make sure that your house/apartment is “new-partner ready.” If you need to, do the work to become confident in your body. Think about steps you can make to create the perfect environment for what you want. But then let the magic happen! The universe will provide in some way or another, just trust and pour love into all you do!
CAREER: You might have been feeling like you were fumbling around in the dark at work or searching for clarity and you couldn’t find it. Whatever it is, in May, you’re going to get answers. It might be a “light bulb” moment or someone might gradually show you their true colors. Whatever it is, you’re going to get the answers and the clarity that you need. Trust your gut with this. You may have called a situation wrong in the past, but this time, you’re probably right. Know that you have the truth now, it’s your choice what to do with it.
FOCUS: We all make mistakes, there is absolutely no value in beating yourself up for it. If you make a bad call, own it, learn from it and move the fuck on. I believe that most of the big stuff was planned by us before we came here, so if you believe that too, know that you we’re meant to make that decision so you can grow from it. Find the positive in what you experienced and let yourself heal. It hurts, let it hurt and do what you can to make yourself feel better. No one wins when your energy is spent kicking yourself when you’re down. Focus on the present and what you can do now.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
You may have ended April or you’re beginning May with the sense of searching for something you feel like you desperately need. Whether it’s looking for attention from anyone who will give it to you or trying to take every project or task at work to make yourself seem more valuable, your focus is anywhere other than the present. You’re likely thinking about how you can get to where you want to go or create life that you want and you’re just trying to take every step possible to set yourself up for success. But in all of this effort are you missing what is right in front of you? May has you likely changing your perspective to see all of the choices and opportunities that lie in front of you, that don’t require taking on too much or more than you need. Trust that the Universe will give us what we need when we most need it. Focus on what you can control in the present and let the magic happen!
LOVE: This month might feel a little like you’re just running through a routine, when it comes to love. Maybe its going on date after date with a bunch of duds, doing what seems like the same thing with your partner over and over every weeknight and it’s starting to feel really old, or putting in hard hours working on improving and loving yourself; whatever it is, know that it’s totally necessary. You’re never going to get to the partner, or the relationship, or the self-love, that you want if you don’t put in the time doing the work. And this month, you’re doing the damn work whether you like it or not. Remember, that it’s not all glamorous. Relationships and love are hard work and some of it can be really dirty and boring. But don’t worry babe, it’ll all pay off. When it comes to love, it always does!
CAREER: All the positive vibes are coming to you at work this month, Gemini! If you’ve been looking for a sign that positive change is on it’s way: here it is! You’ve done the work and taken the action and good things are headed in your direction! But know that you might not feel 100% fulfilled. You could definitely be 98% happy, but you know that something is missing. Keep pursuing it. You’re not done, you have so much more to achieve and you know it! May is going to give you the reassurance and courage to keep pushing! You got this, boo!
FOCUS: Your greatest teacher is yourself. Think about it: You make all your mistakes and your learn from them, so how could you not be?! May has you realizing that you don’t have to believe things just because people around you do or your parents did. This month, spend some time questioning your own beliefs and make sure they all still sit well with you. We change, grow, and evolve. We meet new people that introduce us to new experiences that cause us to look at the world differently. Give yourself the freedom and encouragement to write your own story and follow your own path. You know what’s best for you!
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
May is a month of opportunity, Cancer! It’s likely because you’ve gained clarity in areas of your life and you’re seeing the value of slowing down to speed up! Whatever it is, you’re getting the strong feeling that this seemingly small chance, choice or opportunity could lead to something really big! Whatever is coming your way this May could be the opportunity of a lifetime, be sure that you tend to it and give it all the care that it needs. It might show up a little rough on the edges, but you’re just the person to give whatever it is the tender, loving care that it needs, that no one else can!
LOVE: If you’ve felt like things weren’t really flowing your way when it comes to love, May is going to offer some relief. Your head is finally going to be above water and you’re going to have some understanding that maybe others around you do not. Maybe you’re going to have clarity and understanding around an issue that your partner doesn’t. Maybe things are just going to feel like they “make more sense.” Whatever the case, you’re likely going to be noticed for your ability to think above and beyond other’s current limitations.
CAREER: In May, you might find yourself feeling defensive at work. Whether you’re trying to defend your point of view, your position, your value, or your work, you feel like you have to have your guard up at all times. Remind yourself that even if it feels like it, no one is out to get you. You’re irreplaceable babe! And that also means you can’t take anyone else’s spot either! Be grounded in the the idea that these challenges that you face are created for you, by you, to learn valuable lessons. Be confident in your abilities and let them alone be your defense system.
FOCUS: Your focus this month, Cancer, is some well deserved rest! It might feel like the absolute worst time for your career, relationship, family, friends (the list could go on forever) for you to “take a break” in some capacity, but I promise you that taking time to recharge is important for your physical and mental health. We always come back stronger after a quick rest. Take all the opportunities in May to save your energy for what really matters. Cut out the drama, inconsiderate people, time-wasters, etc. Do it for you and the people you love. You deserve it! And I promise you, you’re going to thank yourself for it in June!
LEO (7/23-8/22)
May is a big one for you, Leo! You have a major opportunity for growth when it comes to love. You’re getting a chance this month to embrace something about yourself that you might have never loved before. You’re getting the opportunity to love yourself in a way you previously might not have. May is bringing you all sorts of chances to catch a glimpse of what those around you see every day, just how incredibly lovable you are. You owe it to yourself, those you love, and the universe to love yourself, because you are incredible! If you have people who look up to you, you have the opportunity to show them what loving themselves looks like this month. Don’t take this opportunity lightly!
LOVE: Stop putting the pressure on yourself when it comes to love, babe! The more stress and worry that you have about any situation, the worse off you are! You’re just putting all of that negative energy into whatever you’re worried about! Chill out and have a really great time this May! Love is going to work itself out when you’re loving what you’re doing! We all light up and glow when we’re having a great time. Our vibes raise instantly! If you’re having any issues this May when it comes to love, do something that makes you happy without a doubt! If you’re looking for a partner, there’s probably no other better time than to find them when you’re doing something you truly enjoy!
CAREER: Things could have been or continue to be all sorts of crazy at work. Chances are you're going through an energetic mess! You’ve likely come up against a difficult or unpleasant situation and was forced into all the feels and emotions that it brought with it. You were possibly quick to anger and your energy felt like it was being pulled in all different directions. The good news is, in May, you’re moving past all that crap! You’re hitting your stride again and you’re finding your flow. One you hit your rhythm, you’re going to fly babe!
FOCUS: The focus this month is to watch your judgements and assumptions of other people. In many situations we don’t have all the details and we’re forced to make assumptions about people based on what we know and what we perceive. We always have the choice to assume positively or assume nothing at all. Check your judgements this month and see what you can learn about yourself. Aim to cut out gossip and cattiness when it comes to speaking about others and I bet you’ll be able to feel your vibes raise. This is an opportunity for growth, babes, take it!
VIRGO (8/23-9/22)
May could have you thinking that all those things that you like to keep hidden from the world, your weakness, your secrets, are going to hold you back in some way. You’re doubting your ability and your strengths. You might be forgetting that everything that you’ve been through, the things that you keep hidden, are what have made you the incredible person you are today. The more that we can accept about who we are and where we are, the farther we can go and the closer we can get to our goals. Spend time this month making peace with what you might dub a “weakness” and know that for every one, you have two strengths. You have what it takes to face any challenge that comes your way. Trust yourself!
LOVE: Transformation is heading your way, babe! It’s likely beyond what you can see or feel in the current moment, but trust that what you’re hoping to happen in your love life will happen is some way or another! Ultimately, we’re not in control of meeting our partner or the fate of our relationship, but we can create the most perfect environment for what we’re wishing for. Stay deeply present and learn how your actions are contributing to your reality. Make the changes necessary to create the life and relationship you want. If you want a life partner, make sure that your house/apartment is “new-partner ready.” If you need to, do the work to become confident in your body. Think about steps you can make to create the perfect environment for what you want. But let the magic happen! The universe will provide in some way or another, just trust and pour love into all you do!
CAREER: This month might find you giving and giving and giving more at work. You might be super into whatever you’re doing and you don’t mind the late nights or you could be purchasing a one way ticket directly to burnout town. This month you have to be careful not to push too hard at your own expense. Here’s the deal, you’re not going to be happy if you work yourself to the point of exhaustion. Give yourself breaks, make sure you’re taking care of your body. Get three solid meals a day, drink plenty of water and make time for some sort of physical activity. Your body carries your mind, soul, emotion and energy all day, it deserves love too!
FOCUS: May is all about trusting the information that you’re receiving and observing. You might have felt in the dark about a certain situation, but now you’re getting the clarity that you need. Trust that the rug isn’t going to get pulled out from you. You can start to make decisions based on what you know and take action to move forward. You may have called a situation wrong in the past, but this time, you’re probably right. Know that you have the truth now, it’s your choice what to do with it.
LIBRA (9/23-10/22)
This month might feel a little routine when it comes to the major areas of your life. Sometimes we’re required to buckle down and put in the hard, sometimes tedious, hours to hone our craft. Chances are you’re always envisioning better and wanting more for yourself and out of life. In better shape, better job, more money, more time, whatever it is, it’s possible to achieve. But sometimes it isn’t all glamorous. You’re going to find yourself doing the hard stuff this month, the get-you-hands-dirty in the trenches kinda stuff. But this is what you have to go through to really become a master of whatever you’re working on or to reach the levels that you have in mind for yourself. This is what you have to go through to be able to teach others. Yeah, it’s not fun hustling on Friday night, but if you want to move up or forward you have to put in the work. But don’t worry babe, it’ll all pay off eventually. It always does!
LOVE: May has you feeling like you’re holding your tongue about something. You have something to say and you’re likely just flat out afraid to say it. It could be that you’re worried that you’re not going to be received well or you have something to say that might be difficult for someone else to hear. Or maybe you just don’t know how to put how you’re feeling in words. Know that what you’re speaking is healing for everyone involved. Don’t worry about how to say it, once you start the conversation, the right words will find their way out!
CAREER: It might be necessary, this month, to turn to someone you completely trust to get a much needed outside opinion on a work matter. Likely you’re deep in the situation and you’re blinded by your thinking. Reaching out to someone who will give you truth, no matter how hard it is to hear, is exactly what you need at this time. Whatever the situation, they’re likely going to be able to remind you that you’re okay, everything is temporary, and you just need to move through the challenge. We are stronger when we’re being supported by others!
FOCUS: In quite a few aspects of your life it feels like you’re “almost there.” Well it’s because you’re almost there. You can’t give up. If you’re getting frustrated in any area of your life, know that it isn’t a sign to quit, it's a sign to give yourself a break and recharge. If you’ve been giving it your all, it shouldn’t be a question why you feel run down. Make sure you’re doing what it takes to charge your batteries so there's enough in you to achieve all you've set out for yourself. If you can’t completely give yourself a well-deserved break, your focus in May should be how you can work smarter and not harder. Get help where you can!
SCORPIO (10/23-11/21)
This month you’re learning all about the art of divine timing. Chances are you’re about to leap into something new and it could be big! Whatever it is, you’re being reminded to lean on the knowledge that you’ve gained in your past experiences. You’ve learned the lessons that you did to set yourself up for success in this opportunity. Once you take this jump, you’re not going to have to look back or backtrack, it’s all forward movement from here. If you’ve been looking for the perfect time to jump, May is your month!
LOVE: You are feeling yourself this month! And if you’re not, you should! You are bringing joy and pleasure to whoever you want to by just being seen by them! You’ve arrived in the month of May to have a good time and you’re ready to share it with the world. You have the desire to spread joy and cheer to everyone that you come across this month! This won’t go unnoticed. You’re likely going to be attracting all sorts of attention, it's now your choice how to handle it!
CAREER: This month has you examining the love you have for the work that you do. It’s time for you to be deeply in love how you spend your time. Take a long, hard look at what you need to do and what changes that you can make to make it easier to love your work and how you’re spending your waking hours. The energy of this month is ushering in a chance to cleanse bad habits and receive what we need to create amazing things in the future. You have the opportunity to change how you treat and regard your work, this month, and a chance to find some serious joy! Open your eyes to all of the possibilities that March is bringing you in regards to your career!
FOCUS: Recent times could have had you feeling like you had too many things on your plate to juggle it all. You know you gotta give it your all at work or school, friends and family have their expectations, and taking care of yourself physically and emotionally doesn’t always look the same. May might have you juggling what seems like a lot, but only to help you see what’s most important. Know that it’s okay not to be perfect all the time, you’re a human, we all are, and sometimes things get forgotten or they just don’t get done. Your focus should be only on what’s critical this month. It is always most important is that you prioritize your own happiness and wellbeing. Make sure you’re taking care of #1 this month, the rest will fall into place eventually.
SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21)
May is all about preparation. You’re the champ of spontaneity, so it might not be the most comfortable to take the time to slow down, but this month you’re learning all about the importance of planning. It might feel like you’re moving slow, but once you finally get going, everything is going to move very quickly and smoothly because of all the prep work that you did on the forefront. This isn’t a sign to do nothing, this is the time for behind-the-scenes type of stuff. Make sure you get every detail right. Triple check, you won’t regret it! Get it right and tight this May, you have to slow down to move fast in this situation.
LOVE: This month, you’re being asked to focus less on defending yourself and realizing there’s no reason for a defense in the first place. There really is no reason to compete with anyone, but only yourself. You’ll always get what you earn, it just might not be in a way that make sense to you in the current moment, but karma is real and you know that. Know that no one can ever be chosen over you. If someone chose someone else when it seemed like you were the choice, they weren’t meant for you anyway. It might feel like someone got something that was meant to be yours right now, but know that whatever is coming for you is probably better than you could possibly imagine in this moment. Hang in there, babe!
CAREER: Whatever you’re going through at work, it’s likely one or two things. You’re either in a total creative firestorm that you’re throwing all your energy into or you’re about to hit total and complete burnout. Whichever it is, you need to figure it out if you don’t know. You have a chance to completely change how you’re working and how you’re operating. It’s time to work smarter and not harder. You’ve been breaking your back and hopefully you’ve felt the recognition, but chances are you haven’t. Now is the time to make changes and to be clear about what needs to happen to make sure that you protect yourself from running on an empty tank before it's too late.
FOCUS: The focus for you this month, sweet Sagittarius, is take a look at where we can allow others to help and guide us. The world is filled with people who want to help. They want to give their knowledge, expertise, experience and a helping hand to someone who can benefit from it. If we close ourselves off to others by not sharing our problems and issues with those we trust, we lose the opportunity for them to help us. We’re not meant to go through life alone without any help. Don’t cut yourself off from all of the resources that are provided to you through other people. It can be scary to ask for help, but often you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you do!
CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)
May is going to be a fantastic month for you, Capricorn! As long as you let the Universe take the steering wheel and you ride comfortably in the passenger seat! May could be a month where you’re harvesting the rewards for work that you put in at an earlier date, a time you show the world a project you’ve been working on, or achieve a goal you’ve been working towards. Whatever it is, it's a fantastic time of celebrating something you’ve created. You’re being reminded that what you’ve done is helping and healing others. You might not notice your impact at first, but trust that you’re on the right track!
LOVE: May is all about sitting back and letting the Universe provide for you what you need to create something incredible. You have the ability to nurture, provide, and grow anything that you set your mind to, but sometimes we have to sit back and receive the seed first, before we have anything to grow. A lot of us are uncomfortable with receiving because we feel like we’re taking away from someone else, but that’s rarely the case, especially when it comes to love! When you’re happy and in a loving relationship, everyone benefits and no one loses. Let the Universe in, let it give you its spoils and do what you can to take care of the gift!
CAREER: You’re juggling all kinds of priorities & responsibilities in May. You’re being forced to prioritize everything you’re trying to achieve against all of your responsibilities. And you’re likely letting your own selfcare and basic needs be put on the back-burner. The reminder here is that you only have two hands and two feet. Sometimes you need to let things go. Letting the ball drop is an important lesson in what we really need to prioritize. It seems terrifying to think of “letting the ball drop” when it comes to work, but sometimes it happens! You can’t carry the world on your shoulders and sometimes you just need a break. This month, spend your energy on the most important things. Remember, your self-care & well being is always a priority.
FOCUS: Whether you’re feeling it or you need me to tell you, things are falling into place. You’re being reminded that you’re irreplaceable in your own way, as is everyone around you. Whether you love them or not, they add value and they teach you more about yourself than you probably realize. If you’ve felt like you didn’t have a place recently, this is the message that you do. No one can ever take what is yours in this universe. You are meant to be here and your skills and strengths are needed.
AQUARIUS (1/21-2/18)
This month you’re being asked to take a long hard look at how you’re reacting to other people. Sometimes we can only see situations from our own perspective and not understanding the grand scheme of things gets messy. But we have to remember that everything is happening for us and not to us! If you’re annoyed AF by one of your friends or coworkers this month, really ask yourself why. Is it rooted in something that you’re insecure about? Are you upset with yourself and you’re annoyed by any little actions of your friends? Everyone in our life is a lesson and those closest to us are our mirrors. Make sure you’re present and you give yourself the decency to question where your frustration is coming from. This is an opportunity for growth, babes, take it!
LOVE: This month might feel a little like you’re just running through a routine, when it comes to love. Maybe its going on date after date with a bunch of duds, doing what seems like the same thing with your partner over and over every weeknight and it’s starting to feel really old, or putting in hard hours working on improving and loving yourself; whatever it is, know that it’s totally necessary. You’re never going to get the partner, the relationship, or the selflove, that you want if you don’t put in the time doing the work. And this month, you’re doing the damn work whether you like it or not. Remember, that it’s not all glamorous. Relationships and love are hard work and some of it can be really dirty and boring. But don’t worry babe, it’ll all pay off in the end. When it comes to love, it always does!
CAREER: At work, things might be feeling like you just don’t know what direction you’re headed in anymore. There may have been a point when you totally felt like you were doing your soul work, but now is definitely not that time. You’re just not able to bring the long range plan into vision. Just know that this is temporary. Through staying present and staying true to who you are, you’ll get it all figured out soon. You should know that you truly can achieve anything you set your mind to with some hard work, dedication, and a little magic. Once you’re aligned with what you came here to do, you’re going to be unstoppable!
FOCUS: May’s focus is all about making small changes that have big results. What little tweaks to your routine will leave you with more time to do things you love? What changes in your habits could save you money or stop you from eating unhealthy foods? You don’t have to change your entire life, but look for opportunities for small change. Take an extra lap around the parking lot before heading in the office or the store if you need more exercise. Try getting up 5 minutes earlier to spend a few minutes meditating, journaling or planning. Whatever small changes you make, they won’t go unnoticed by the universe. You’ll see the results of your changes just when you need to!
PISCES (2/19-3/19)
All signs are pointing to you asking for help in the month of May. It might be about something little that you need a lending ear for or it could be about some major life-changing decisions. Whatever it is, you’ve probably been trying to take everything on by yourself. You’ve likely kept things from those closest to you to try and do it on your own, but this isn’t a time to charge into battle without your backup. You have people who love and care about you. There are friends and family that can see your situation from a different perspective and offer you the guidance you desperately need. Open up and let someone you trust in. Everyone deserves a helping hand, now is your turn.
LOVE: You need to be following your gut when it comes to love, but for some reason you’re not trusting yourself. It might be because you’ve been burned in the past and you don’t want to put yourself through the pain again. Or things are really good and you’re worried that they’re too good to be true. Whatever it is, focus on the subtle signs from your intuition this month, Pisces. You might find yourself really trying to connect and hear from guides or higher self this month and feel blocked. Either you’re not getting the answers you need or they just don’t seem clear. Don’t stress about trying to figure it out, just keep moving. The signs that are meant for you will find their way to you. Keep yourself present, this month and always!
CAREER: Chances are you’re at a point where thing seem to be going really well and now you have an opportunity to make a change. You might have just come to terms with not ever taking a certain job or change and here it is presenting itself to you in a perfectly tied ribbon and bow. In the back of your mind, you know that you’re full. You can’t take on more. It’s time for you to process all that’s happened and continuing to happen in your career before adding more to your plate. It might seem rough and tough to say “no” to something this special, but if deep down you know it isn’t meant for you right now, don’t do it.
FOCUS: Often times, you’re the one holding space for others. Listening to their troubles and issues and offering advice where you can. But in May your focus needs to be finding someone who can hold that same kind of space for you. You have a lot on your plate and sometimes it can get really overwhelming. The mountain of stress can feel even bigger when we’re facing it alone. Talking to others really helps us gain perspective and reminds us that we aren’t always alone. If you don’t know where to turn, start by talking to your angels and guides. They’ll help lead you to the person you should talk to!
ARIES (3/20-4/19)
May is all about taking some well deserved rest! It might feel like the absolute worst time for your career, relationship, family, friends (the list could go on forever) for you to “take a break” in some capacity, but I promise you that taking time to recharge is important for your physical and mental health. We always come back stronger after a quick rest. Take all the opportunities in May to save your energy for what really matters. Cut out the drama, inconsiderate people, time-wasters, etc. Do it for you and the people you love. You deserve it! And I promise you, you’re going to thank yourself for it in June!
LOVE: This has the potential of being a big month for you, Aries! In May you’re being gifted a new seed of opportunity. Whatever it is, whether you’re in a relationship or not, you can feel in your bones that this is a chance at something great. It could be a new partner, a positive change in your current relationship, or an opportunity to take your relationship to a different level. If you’re not looking for anyone at all, this is an opportunity to find more love within yourself. Whatever you’re being gifted now has the ability to grow into something incredible if you dedicate the time and resources to nurture it. Imagine the amazing possibilities ahead!
CAREER: Recently, work has likely been crazy. You’ve either been putting in more hours, doing more challenging work, or pushing yourself like never before. Whatever it is, it will likely slow down a bit in May to catch a much deserved break. The lesson here is how hard you can push yourself and how much you can do. We need these intense times of major creative fire to remind us of what we’re capable of. Everything is temporary and you can’t count on the ability to rest forever, take it while you can!
FOCUS: This months focus is all about the answers that you already have within you. Your intuition is heightened this month, you’re able to connect at a deeper level to your higher self, guides, the universe, source, whatever you choose call it. The message is to listen. If you feel like you need answers or guidance, you already have them. All of the answers that you’re searching for are inside of you just bursting to get out. You just have to be available to listen and look for the messages and signs from spirit! Be sure that you’re giving yourself plenty of quiet time alone this month so you’re available to hear everything that is meant for you!