July TarotScopes
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
It’s your season, sweet Cancer and it’s all about you! This month you might find yourself retreating more into your shell than normal, but that’s okay! It’s time for you to do things that make you feel good, regardless of what other people will think of you. This month you could find yourself saying a lot more “yes” to things that make YOU happy and a lot more “no” to things that you were just doing because you thought it would appease someone else. It’s okay not to be the wingman all the time and it's okay to do things strictly because you want to. This is your month babe! Not that you need an excuse to not be a people-pleaser all the time, but feel free to use your birthday as the perfect start to making this a year of focusing on your own happiness!
LOVE: This month is probably going to be a big one for you Cancer, but the thing is you might not even notice until it’s over. Or maybe you won’t even realize the impact of the changes that happen this month until weeks or months later. But whatever the case, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This month you’re likely going to experience a rebirth in a whole new light in terms of love. Things have begun to change, you’ve begun to change. Maybe you’ve realized that life is so much easier when you’re not trying to control things that are out of your scope. Maybe you’ve allowed the universe into your life in a new way and now it’s creating a life with less worry. If you start freaking out about your love life, remember to focus on things you can control. Like how you spend your free time. Are you treating yourself the way you’d want to be treated by a partner? Do you love yourself the way you’d want your partner to love you? If the answers to either of these questions are “no” then you know exactly what you should be working on in your free time this month.
CAREER: You’re bossin’ up at work this month, Cancer. Maybe there has been some gossip around the water cooler that you know needs to be brought out to the open. Maybe a coworker needs to be given some feedback and you’re the perfect person to do it. Maybe you’ve had something on your chest for a while and you just need to share. Whatever the case, this month you have the power. The right words will likely find their way out when you finally decide to say something and the right audience will be there to hear it. Sometimes being brutally honest and putting yourself in a potentially confrontational experience is scary as shit, but know that your message is important and needs to be shared!
FOCUS: A lot of us have been told “not to take the easy way out.” But, sometimes I think this mentality has led us to believe that we always have to react to every situation and problem. When things are thrown at you this month, dear Cancer, know that you can always stop and choose ease and grace. A fight isn’t always necessary. Hard work isn’t always the best choice. Choosing the easy option is sometimes the best option and that is your reminder this month! Before you jump into any reactionary position that requires a lot of effort, ask yourself what the easiest option is first. And if I were you, I’d probably do that!
LEO (7/23-8/22)
You could be kicking off the month with really big goals or maybe you’ve been dreaming up amazing plans for the summer! Whatever the case, Leo, the universe is saying that July is all about focusing on the tangible steps you need to get done to make those brilliant ideas a reality. Do the research, set up a savings account, book the class, set your alarm earlier, schedule an appointment with a coach or professional. Whatever it is that you need to do to make your current ideas and dreams a reality, need to be done this month. By August, you’ll be happy you didn’t wait any longer!
LOVE: July could be an intense and transformative month for you baby. You might find yourself at a really intense intersection of knowing that you need to love yourself and having absolutely know idea or clue on where to start or how to go about it. It’s okay babe. Loving ourselves isn’t always easy and sometimes we neglect it for so long that when we realize what we’ve done, we can’t quite figure out how to undo it. The best advice I could give is to compliment yourself and others as often as possible. Showing love and appreciation to anything that you like, brings joy to you and the person receiving the complement. Make it a habit, babe, and loving yourself will start to get easier and easier.
CAREER: There isn’t any value fighting against reality, especially when it comes work. You lose every damn time. Something is going on at work and you want it to change, but fighting it is going to get you nowhere this time. You’ve gotta accept the situation before you can do anything about it. Take a step back and look at what you’re going through from a different perspective. Try and see the situation from a different perspective, this will help you in the future. Remember babe, the Universe is always conspiring for us, not against us. Everything we face is an opportunity to learn and become wiser. What are you learning right now? How are you going to move forward a wiser person because of this experience? What can you share with others about what you’re going through that can help heal them? My guess is, soon after you find the silver lining in the situation, it will start to change in your favor.
FOCUS: You’ve got something special going on this month, Leo. You’ve been devoting time and energy to it. You may have shared whatever it is with a few close people or maybe you’re keeping it pretty private. Whatever it is, now is the time to bask in the joy and the possibilities of what’s to come! The future isn’t guaranteed, so you might as well have fun wishing, dreaming, hoping and believing that anything is possible! Because it is!
VIRGO (8/23-9/22)
Whether you’re feeling it or you need me to tell you, things are starting to fall into place. If it doesn’t feel like it now, by the end of July chances are you’ll be hitting your groove. You’re being reminded that you’re irreplaceable, as is everyone around you. If you’ve felt like you didn’t have a place recently, this is the message that you do. No one can ever take what is yours in this universe. You are meant to be here and your skills and strengths are needed. And the people in your life, whether you love them or not, add value and teach you more about yourself than you probably know. This month, give gratitude to even the most annoying main characters in your life, they’re here for a reason, just like you!
LOVE: This might be necessary to turn to someone you completely trust to get a much needed outside opinion on a love matter that is causing you trouble. Likely you’re deep in the situation and you’re blinded by your thinking. Reaching out to someone who has “been there, done that” or who will give you truth, no matter how hard it is to hear, is exactly what you need at this time. It’s hard to admit that everything isn’t perfect, but when we share, we often find out that we’re more like other people than we think. Whatever the situation, they’re likely going to be able to remind you that you’re okay, everything is temporary, and you just need to move through the challenge. We are stronger when we’re being supported by others!
CAREER: Chances are this month you’re going to have an opportunity to take a huge leap when it comes to your career. This could be something that out-of-the-blue presents itself at a time you feel like you’re not ready or something you’ve felt like you needed to do for awhile. The future seems uncertain, but you know that taking the jump is the right thing for you. Take the plunge and jump in with both feet! Whatever it is that is presenting itself to you and knocking at your door, the Universe is begging you to answer it! It might seem a little scary or like you’re running headfirst into the unknown, but you wouldn't be asked to leap if the Universe wasn’t going to catch you! Seize the opportunities that are coming your way this month, Virgo. This could be the chance of a lifetime!
FOCUS: In quite a few aspects of your life it might feel like you’re “almost there.” Well, it’s because you’re almost there. You can’t give up now. If you’re getting frustrated in any area of your life, know that it isn’t a sign to quit, it's a sign to give yourself a break and recharge. If you’ve been giving it your all, it shouldn’t be a question why you feel run down. Make sure you’re doing what it takes to charge your batteries so there's enough in you to achieve all you've set out for yourself. If you can’t completely give yourself a well-deserved break, your focus in July should be how you can work smarter and not harder. Get help where you can!
LIBRA (9/23-10/22)
Chances are, July has you really busy. You might have a lot going on a work, major changes to your family (births, deaths, weddings), or big events or celebrations to look forward to. No matter the case, for Libras who often want things to flow beautifully and smoothly, a lot of the things that are happening this summer could be super anxiety inducing. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat or on the verge of a panic attack because you don’t know how you’re going to handle it all, know that you are going to get through it. There is no value in worry. Either take action or move your thoughts elsewhere. There is no point in thinking about the terrible thing. Do what you can to prevent the bad, but spend your precious thoughts on all the good! Because there is so much good coming your way!
LOVE: If you’ve been feeling like you were beating your head against the wall to make things work when it comes to love, this month will have you realizing there was an easier way the entire time. Sometimes when we get so deep into something we can’t see the opportunity for improvement. Or we can’t see the role that we were playing in our problems. Or we don’t see the negativity. Or we just don’t see the same reality everyone else does. Like they say, love is blind. The good news is, July is going to have you seeing things more clearly. The choices that you have are going to seem as difficult or it’s going to seem like you have some pretty good options compared to your recent past. Keep your head up, babe. Things are getting easier.
CAREER: Babe, stop putting on so much pressure to be so stoic all the time at work! You just need to loosen up and have a good time with what you’re doing! Whether the work you’re doing now is fun or a total bore, you’re being urged to find a way have a good time and really enjoy your work!. Find things about your job that you really enjoy doing & volunteer to do more of it. The more stress and worry that you have about any situation, the worse off you are! You’re just putting all of that negative energy into whatever you’re worried about! Chill out. Spend more time on your passion project outside of work. Whatever it is, July needs you to have a good time. Life doesn’t always have to be hard work, you can have fun too!
FOCUS: Transformation is heading your way, babe! It’s likely beyond what you can see or feel in the current moment, but trust that what you’re hoping to happen in your future will happen is some way or another! Ultimately, we’re not in control of what gets thrown at us, but we can create the most perfect environment for what we’re wishing for. Stay deeply present and learn how your actions are contributing to your reality. Make the changes necessary to create the life you want. If you want a life partner, make sure that your house/apartment is “new-partner ready.” If you need to, do the work to become confident in your body. If you want to make a career move, think about the education necessary. Think about steps you can make to create the perfect environment for what you want. But then let the magic happen! The universe will provide in some way or another, just trust and pour love into all you do!
SCORPIO (10/23-11/21)
Maybe you’re feeling it or maybe you’re not, but I’m here to tell you that you’re irreplaceable. No one can ever take what is yours in this universe. You are meant to be here and your skills and strengths are needed. What makes you different is what make you great. There isn’t a need to compare yourself to others, because quite frankly, you’re incomparable. Your life is different, your thoughts are different, your friends/family/(insert whatever here) are different, you are different people. You’re in different positions in your life because you’re meant to be, not because you’re not enough or because you’re not trying hard enough. You are where you’re meant to be baby, you’re doing everything right! Don’t waste your time or energy comparing yourself to another person. Save yourself a lot of heartache by only comparing yourself to the person you were in the past and the person you want to be in the future.
LOVE: This month might have you realizing that what you say you want and your actions might not be aligned when it comes to your love life. If you’re saying that you want a steady relationship, but you couldn’t imagine committing yourself to one person then maybe it’s time to dig deeper into what’s really going on. If you’re saying that you want to focus on yourself but you keep ending up on dates, figure out what’s driving the need. To achieve our goals and get where we want to go, we have to deal with our emotions and feelings right now. Not the feeling and emotions we wish we had. You gotta accept it to change it boo, boo. Figure out what’s driving your actions this month, love, and you’ll learn more about what can get to you to where you wanna go!
CAREER: Things are going to go well for you at work this month, Scorpio! And if you’re not already feeling it, I’m sure you will soon. Whatever it is, you’ve got something special going on. You’ve been working your butt off and you’re feeling pretty good about where it’s gotten you. You may have shared whatever it is with a few close people or maybe you’re keeping it pretty private. Whatever it is, now is the time to bask in the joy and the possibilities of what’s to come! The future isn’t guaranteed, so you might as well have fun wishing, dreaming, hoping and believing that anything is possible! Because it is!
FOCUS: Scorpio, this month you’re being reminded that we all need to be supported, and held, and cared for at some point in our lives. Including you. And that is perfectly fine. If you find yourself thinking that you’re weak because you’re wanting the care of another, think again! You’re normal. We all need a little extra lovin’ every once in awhile and maybe this month you might need exactly that. It could be as simple as finding a friend that will lend a listening ear that could make a world of difference in how you feel, but you never know until you open and share!
SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/21)
You are magic this month, Sagittarius! You’re literally able to make your dreams a reality. If you’re able to visualize creating the life you desire, you’re able to figure the actions necessary to pave the way to making that happen. Though your month may be busy and full of energy, you have the tools and resources that you need to manifest what is in highest and best for you. Create space and time for you to connect with your passions and fire to help guide your creativity. The universe is aligning for you to create everything you came here to earth to do! Don’t get in your own way, believe in yourself booboo!
LOVE: Things are really going to feel like they’re coming together this month. It could’ve been months or years since things have felt this “right.” Heck, for some of us, things may have never felt this good. You’ve done what you’ve needed to do and you’ve learned the lessons that you were supposed to learn in regards to this love-related situation. Things are pretty sweet right now. You’ve evolved and grown and you should be pretty proud of how far you’ve come! But this can’t last forever. As soon as we master one thing, the universe dishes us another. Stay ready to learn!
CAREER: July has you struggling with how much you should be doing at work. You could find yourself trying to get involved in every opportunity and volunteering to take point on everything. Then find yourself questioning your ability or wondering if you’ve gone too far. Or you could find yourself completely backing out of great opportunities, holding your tongue when you have something important to say, and questioning your own abilities when you shouldn’t. Something has you off your game and you’re not flowing in your usual alignment. Before you burn out or fade away, take a step back and check in with yourself. Figure out what’s driving your insecurity and address it.
FOCUS: It’s okay to take a break sometimes, actually it’s needed to get where you want to go. Whether it’s taking a mental break by turning off your phone or making a conscious effort to pick it up less, taking efforts to give yourself a break will be much needed this month. Maybe it’s quitting evening commitments to make an effort to get more sleep at night. Whatever the case, know that this time for rest isn’t going to last forever. It’s time to recharge your batteries because it’s likely something big is coming!
CAPRICORN (12/22-1/20)
June might not have been the easiest month for you, Capricorn! You took a chance on something that you thought was a sure bet and you likely got burned. July is here for you to spend the time you need to process and heal. If you find yourself asking how you could’ve let this happen, you can let those thoughts go. It’s not worth your energy. And maybe, if you’re lucky, you’re realizing that you can get through anything. No matter how big the hurt, how bad the pain, you are so dang strong and hopefully you’ll start to see what the world see. We all make mistakes and we all have to process it, but we’re not defined by the choices that we make. You’re a stronger & wiser person because of the lessons you’ve learned the last couple months. Keep rocking, babe. You’re doing great.
LOVE: Chances are you’ll be moving a mile a minute when it comes to your love life. Maybe you’re going on more dates than usual, you’ve got way more potentials hitting your line, or you’ve just been swept off your feet. Whatever the case is, be careful that you’re not just trying to stay busy because you’re trying to avoid your feels. So often when we’re dealing with something that makes us uncomfortable, we try and avoid dealing with it at all cost. If there’s something you’re avoiding, now is the time to face it. If not now, it’s just going to pop up again the future. Better to deal with it sooner rather than later, love.
CAREER: You should be following your gut when it comes to matters at work, but something has you doubting yourself. It could possibly be that you’ve burned in the past when you thought you were following your heart and things didn’t turn out the way you really thought they would. Maybe you don’t want to put yourself through the pain again. Or things are really good and you’re worried that they’re too good to be true. Whatever it is, focus on the subtle signs from your intuition this month, Capricorn. Maybe you’re searching for answers, but you feel like you’re not receiving the signs you need. Don’t stress about trying to figure it out, just keep moving. The signs that are meant for you will find their way to you. Keep doing what you feel is right and it will all work out.
FOCUS: Babe, there is no value is worrying about anything that is out of your control. We have so many responsibilities and so many things that we have to take care of every day, especially you, Cap! Don’t let your precious time and energy be toiled away wondering if the worst thing is going to happen or laying in bed at night beating yourself up for not accomplishing something that you wanted to. There are so many things that are thrown at us everyday. We have to be our biggest cheerleaders and most forgiving of our actions. We don’t gain anything in spending our time toiling in negativity. If you find yourself spinning out, set intentions of how you’ll take different actions if you’re in a similar situation. Keep your thoughts positive boo, you’re improving!
AQUARIUS (1/21-2/18)
In July, it’s time for you to do things differently, but that shouldn’t be hard for you Aquarius. If you haven’t already recently changed how you think about a certain situation or made a resolution to do things more positively in the future, maybe it's time you did. If you find yourself in really crappy situations (or even similar situations you’re getting tired of) over and over again, maybe it’s time to examine how your actions have contributed to each of these negative situations. During reflection you might realize you did things you’re not happy with. That’s okay babe! It’s how we learn! Figure out how you’ll respond differently in the future for a more positive outcome!
LOVE: Sometimes we just need to move on. And we don’t have to make a big deal about it. We just have to do it. This doesn’t mean moving on from your relationship if you’re happy with your partner, but this could be a sign to move on from a lingering issue that’s causing you problems. Maybe it’s letting of something on your list of “must haves” for your future partner that was never really a necessity. Whatever the case, you’ve likely known for a while that it’s time you move on from whatever it is that hasn’t been adding value in your life. Here’s your nudge to do it!
CAREER: You’re being zapped with all sorts of lightning bolts of good ideas at work this month! Whether you know it or not, this month you are receiving messages and signs that are clearer than ever when it comes to situations involving your career. You have the opportunity to expand your mind, your view, your scope as long as you stay open minded and jugement free. Be sure not to judge your own ideas before you at least explore them! We can’t always see the big picture. What might seem like a crazy, hair-brained scheme today could be totally plausible, great idea tomorrow! Stay confident in the messages you’re receiving!
FOCUS: If you’ve felt like you’ve outgrown any part of your life or things don’t seem like they’re quite flowing like they should, it’s time to make some changes! We can outgrow almost anything, even our closest friends or jobs we thought were our dreams! But here’s the deal, growth is rarely easy and comfortable, but we can learn so much in the process if we pay attention. Maybe it’s time for you to push yourself harder or change directions completely! Maybe it’s time to stop pressuring and give yourself a break. Whatever it is, it likely involves you leaving what you’re used to know, because it’s no longer your comfort zone. It’s time for you to find something that makes you feel like things are flowing again.
PISCES (2/19-3/19)
*Fingers crossed* that in July you start to see what the rest of the world sees: This is a better place with you in it. Your skills and strengths are needed. You are needed. If at any point this month you fall into a trap of comparing yourself to others, know that you’re not comparable. You’re wasting your time. If you’re not happy with something about your life, July is the perfect time to change it. Take any moments of uncomfortableness as a sign that you have an opportunity to change the way things are flowing. Take a step back and figure out how you can use your strengths to mold the situation in your favor.
LOVE: If you find yourself getting really excited about a new love interest or dreams with your current boo and a wrench gets thrown in the plans, don’t take this as a sign to quit! There may be a few things that seem to hold you up this month, but they’re just bumps in the road! Take this as the universe making you slow down, maybe right now is not the perfect time, but a week, or a month from now is. It could seem annoying that you’re being held up, but chances are you’re going to be happy about this delay later!
CAREER: You may have been going through some shit at work during June. Something happened & you’re running through all the scenarios of “it was their fault” then “it was my fault” and “they should fix it” and “maybe I deserve this outcome.” Whatever the situation, July is going to be likely bringing better vibes. Everyone involved in the hurt or issue is tending to their wounds and hopefully coming out healed and feeling better on the other side. Relationships might be a little touchy because there are still some scars, but nothing that can’t be mended and built even tougher in the future!
FOCUS: July could be an intense and transformative month for you love. You might find yourself at a really intense intersection of knowing that you need to love yourself and having absolutely know idea or clue on where to start or how to go about it. It’s okay babe. Loving ourselves isn’t always easy and sometimes we neglect it for so long that when we realize what we’ve done, we can’t quite figure out how to undo it. July is the perfect time for you to start working on your self-love if you haven’t already. If you don’t know where to start, the best advice I could give is to compliment yourself and others as often as possible. Showing love and appreciation to anything that you like, brings joy to you and the person receiving the complement. Make it a habit, babe, and loving yourself will start to get easier and easier.
ARIES (3/20-4/19)
June (or the last couple months) might have been a little rough, Aries! You might have taken a chance on something and you likely got burned. Or someone unexpectedly broke your heart a little (or a lot). You’ve been processing and healing. Asking yourself how you could’ve let this happen. The time for that to end is now. July has you realizing that you can quite possibly get through anything. But let’s be real, you’ve known that all along. We all make mistakes (or we get hurt by no fault of our own) and we all have to process it, but we’re not defined by the choices that we make. You’re a stronger & wiser person because of the lessons you’ve learned the last couple months. Keep rocking, babe.
LOVE: If you’ve been feeling like you were beating your head against the wall to make things work when it comes to love, this month will have you realizing there was an easier way the entire time. Sometimes when we get so deep into something we can’t see the opportunity for improvement or change. Or we don’t see the negativity. Or we just don’t see the same reality everyone else does. Like they say, love is blind. The good news is, July is a month of seeing easier options. Not saying that you are going to wake up and everything is going to be roses, but it’s going to get better!
CAREER: Some big stuff is getting stirred up for you this month at work, Aries. You definitely could find yourself pondering “What is my purpose here? Is this job part of my soul work? Should I make a change?” this month. Big stuff, right? Now isn’t the time to brush those feelings off. It’s time to explore them. It’s time to figure out the answers! Okay, maybe not in detail or anything, but with the attempt to be pretty dang comfortable answering them next time you ask yourself. If you don’t know the answers to those questions, that’s okay. But spend time by yourself, for yourself and you’ll get a lot closer to knowing the truth about where you belong.
FOCUS: Whether you’ve found your attention in the past or the future recently, July should be a time that you really put effort into staying present. Your focus should really be on your next move, not your next seven. Whatever you’re experiencing now takes attention to detail and inward reflection. You’re learning about yourself and you’re growing, but you can’t move forward without dotting your “i’s” and crossing your “t’s.” If July has you feeling like you wanna spend more time alone, I wouldn’t be surprised. There is a lot we can gain from a little time by ourselves.
TAURUS (4/20-5/20)
No one can ever take what is yours in this universe. You are meant to be here and your skills and strengths are needed. *Fingers crossed* that in July you start to see what the rest of the world sees: This is a better place with you in it. You are needed. If at any point this month you fall into a trap of comparing yourself to others, know that you’re not comparable. You’re wasting your time. If you’re not happy with something about your life, July is the perfect time to change it. Lean into what makes you happy and what you feel like makes you unique. I’m sure you’ll find answers to what you should do next in what brings you total joy.
LOVE: This month you’re being challenged to take a long hard look at how you’re reacting to other people when it comes to love. Sometimes we can only see situations from our own perspective and not understanding the grand scheme of things gets messy. But we have to remember that everything is happening for us and not to us! If you’re annoyed AF by your partner or current love life, really ask yourself why. Is it rooted in something that you’re insecure about? Are you upset with yourself and you’re annoyed by any little actions of your partner? Everyone in our life is a lesson and those closest to us are our mirrors. Make sure you’re present and you give yourself the decency to question where your frustration is coming from. This is an opportunity for growth, babes, take it!
CAREER: This month might find you struggling to feel seen at work. Maybe you’re not getting attention or the recognition that you deserve for the hard work you’ve been putting in. Maybe you don’t have as many opportunities to expand your skillset or receive a promotion, or you’re struggling with insecurity in your current job. Take some time to question what is is that's fueling your feelings surrounding visibility. Make small steps to change your situation and it will change the way you feel.
FOCUS: July is the month to do the damn thing! Your focus should be on the new opportunities that are presenting themselves to you! Take the leap! Jump in with both feet! Whatever it is that is knocking at your door, the universe is begging you to answer it! It might seem a little scary or like you’re jumping into the unknown, but you wouldn't be asked to leap if you we’re going to fall! Seize the opportunities that are coming your way this month, dear Taurus!
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
Major evolution on the horizon for you this month, Gemini! My guess is you’ve been dished up a lesson that you’ve faced before, but you’re coming at it completely differently this time. You’re using love as your beacon instead of judgement. When you face whatever you’re up against this month, no matter how hard, you’re going to have the ability to first offer love and compassion, before jumping to what punishment or outcome is deserved by anyone involved. This month you’re remembering that ultimately, our fates are not up to any one of us, so it’s not worth our time trying to manifest what others deserve.
LOVE: July is the month to do the damn thing. Take the leap! Jump in with both feet! Whatever the opportunity is that is knocking at your door, the universe is begging you to answer it! It might seem a little scary or like you’re jumping into the unknown, but you wouldn't be asked to leap if you we’re going to fall! Seize the opportunities that are coming your way this month, dear Gemini!
CAREER: In July, you might find yourself feeling defensive at work. Whether you’re trying to defend your point of view, your position, your value, or your work, you feel like you have to have your guard up at all times. Remind yourself that even if it feels like it, no one is out to get you. You’re irreplaceable babe! And that also means you can’t take anyone else’s spot either! Be grounded in the the idea that these challenges that you face are created for you, by you, to learn valuable lessons. Be confident in your abilities and let them alone be your defense system.
FOCUS: Your focus this month, Gemini, is some well deserved rest! It might feel like the absolute worst time for your career, relationship, family, friends (the list could go on forever) for you to “take a break” in some capacity, but I promise you that taking time to recharge is important for your physical and mental health. We always come back stronger after a quick rest. Take all the opportunities in July to save your energy for what really matters. Cut out the drama, inconsiderate people, time-wasters, etc. Do it for you and the people you love. You deserve it! And I promise you, you’re going to thank yourself for it in August!